LDA Q7L,X ; SAMESLOT LDA Q7L,X ; MAKE SURE IN READ MODE LDA Q6L,X ; LDA Q6L,X LDY #8 ; LDY #8 ; WE MAY HAFTA CHECK SEVERAL ; TIMES TO BE SURE .rwts2 ; CHKIFON EQU * LDA Q6L,X ; LDA Q6L,X ; GET THE DATA PHA ; PHA ; DELAY FOR DISK DATA TO ; CHANGE PLA ; PLA PHA ; PHA PLA ; PLA ; STX SLOT CMP $100 ; This instruction replaces the STX SLOT instruction in ; the original code ; ; It has no effect as any changes to the flags will be ; overridden by the next instruction, but the important ; thing is that both STX SLOT and CMP $100 take four CPU ; cycles, so this is effectively a way of commenting out ; the original instruction without affecting the timings ; that are so crucial to the workings of the RWTS code CMP Q6L,X ; CMP Q6L,X ; CHECK RUNNING HERE BNE rwts3 ; BNE ITISON ; =>IT'S ON... DEY ; DEY ; MAYBE WE DIDN'T CATCH IT BNE rwts2 ; BNE CHKIFON ; SO WE'LL TRY AGAIN ; A chunk of the original DOS is omitted here, from ; ITISON to the start of OK, where we pick up the story ; once again .rwts3 PHP ; Save the result of the above checks on the stack, so ; we have the Z flag clear (BNE) if the disk is ; spinning, or the Z flag set (BEQ) if the disk is not ; spinning LDA mtron,X ; Read the disk controller I/O soft switch at MOTORON ; for slot X to turn the disk motor on ; The following code omits the drive select code, as ; Elite only supports drive 1 ; OK ROR A ; BY GOING INTO THE CARRY ; BCC SD1 ; SELECT DRIVE 2 ! LDA drv1en,X ; LDA DRV1EN,X ; ASSUME DRIVE 1 TO HIT ; BCS DRVSEL ; IF WRONG, ENABLE DRIVE 2 ; INSTEAD ; ; SD1 LDA DRV2EN,X ; ; DRVSEL EQU * ; ROR DRIVNO ; SAVE SELECTED DRIVE ; * ; * DRIVE SELECTED. IF MOTORING-UP, ; * WAIT BEFORE SEEKING... ; * PLP ; PLP ; WAS THE MOTOR PHP ; PHP ; PREVIOUSLY OFF? BNE rwts5 ; BNE NOWAIT ; =>NO, FORGET WAITING. LDY #7 ; LDY #7 ; YES, DELAY 150 MS .rwts4 JSR armwat ; SEEKW JSR MSWAIT DEY ; DEY BNE rwts4 ; BNE SEEKW LDX slot16 ; LDX SLOT ; RESTORE SLOT NUMBER .rwts5 ; NOWAIT EQU * ; * ; * SEEK TO DESIRED TRACK... ; * ; LDY #4 ; SET TO IOBTRK ; LDA (IOBPL),Y ; GET DESIRED TRACK LDA track ; We fetch the track number from the track variable ; rather than the IOBPL block, as the Elite code just ; stores values in variables instead JSR seek ; JSR MYSEEK ; SEEK! ; * ; * SEE IFMOTOR WAS ALREADY SPINNING. ; * PLP ; PLP ; WAS MOTOR ON? BNE trytrk ; BNE TRYTRK ; IF SO, DON'T DELAY, GET IT ; TODAY! ; * ; * WAIT FOR MOTOR SPEED TO COME UP. ; * LDY mtimeh ; LDY MONTIME+1 ; IF MOTORTIME IS POSITIVE, BPL trytrk ; BPL MOTORUP ; THEN SEEK WASTED ENUFF TIME ; FOR US .rwts6 LDY #18 ; MOTOF LDY #$12 ; DELAY 100 USEC PER COUNT .rwts7 DEY ; CONWAIT DEY BNE rwts7 ; BNE CONWAIT INC mtimel ; INC MONTIME BNE rwts6 ; BNE MOTOF INC mtimeh ; INC MONTIME+1 BNE rwts6 ; BNE MOTOF ; COUNT UP TO $0000Name: rwts [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Read or write a specific sector Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
This routine is almost identical to the RWTS routine in Apple DOS 3.3. It omits the code from the start of the routine that checks the command block and slot number, as Elite doesn't use either of those features. The original DOS 3.3 source code for this routine in is shown in the comments. For detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. For details of the VTOC layout, catalog sector layout and file entry layout, see chapter 4, "Diskette organisation". Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use.
Configuration variable Q6L = $C08C
Disk controller I/O soft switch for strobing the data latch for I/O (Q6L)
Configuration variable Q7L = $C08E
Disk controller I/O soft switch for preparing the latch for input (Q7L)
Subroutine armwat (category: Save and load)
Implement the arm move delay
Configuration variable drv1en = $C08A
Disk controller I/O soft switch for enabling drive 1 (DRV0EN)
Variable mtimeh in workspace Disk operations workspace
The motor on time (high byte)
Variable mtimel in workspace Disk operations workspace
The motor on time (low byte)
Configuration variable mtron = $C089
Disk controller I/O soft switch for turning the motor on (MOTORON)
Label rwts2 is local to this routine
Label rwts3 is local to this routine
Label rwts4 is local to this routine
Label rwts5 is local to this routine
Label rwts6 is local to this routine
Label rwts7 is local to this routine
Subroutine seek (category: Save and load)
Fast seek routine
Variable slot16 in workspace Disk operations workspace
The slot number containing the disk controller card, multiplied by 16 to move the slot number into the top nibble (so the value is $x0 for slot x)
Variable track in workspace Disk operations workspace
Storage for a track number in the RWTS code
Subroutine trytrk (category: Save and load)
Try finding a specific track on the disk