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Drawing planets: PLANET

[Apple II version]

Name: PLANET [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing planets Summary: Draw the planet or sun
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) calls PLANET

Arguments: INWK The planet or sun's ship data block
.PLANET LDA INWK+8 ; Set A = z_sign (the highest byte in the planet/sun's ; coordinates) ;BMI PL2 ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source. It would remove the planet from the screen ; when it's behind us CMP #48 ; If A >= 48 then the planet/sun is too far away to be BCS PL2 ; seen, so jump to PL2 to remove it from the screen, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call ORA INWK+7 ; Set A to 0 if both z_sign and z_hi are 0 BEQ PL2 ; If both z_sign and z_hi are 0, then the planet/sun is ; too close to be shown, so jump to PL2 to remove it ; from the screen, returning from the subroutine using a ; tail call JSR PROJ ; Project the planet/sun onto the screen, returning the ; centre's coordinates in K3(1 0) and K4(1 0) BCS PL2 ; If the C flag is set by PROJ then the planet/sun is ; not visible on-screen, so jump to PL2 to remove it ; from the screen, returning from the subroutine using ; a tail call LDA #96 ; Set (A P+1 P) = (0 96 0) = 24576 STA P+1 ; LDA #0 ; This represents the planet/sun's radius at a distance STA P ; of z = 1 JSR DVID3B2 ; Call DVID3B2 to calculate: ; ; K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) / (z_sign z_hi z_lo) ; = (0 96 0) / z ; = 24576 / z ; ; so K now contains the planet/sun's radius, reduced by ; the actual distance to the planet/sun. We know that ; K+3 and K+2 will be 0, as the number we are dividing, ; (0 96 0), fits into the two bottom bytes, so the ; result is actually in K(1 0) LDA K+1 ; If the high byte of the reduced radius is zero, jump BEQ PL82 ; to PL82, as K contains the radius on its own LDA #248 ; Otherwise set K = 248, to round up the radius in STA K ; K(1 0) to the nearest integer (if we consider the low ; byte to be the fractional part) .PL82 LDA TYPE ; If the planet/sun's type has bit 0 clear, then it's LSR A ; either 128 or 130, which is a planet (the sun has type BCC PL9 ; 129, which has bit 0 set). So jump to PL9 to draw the ; planet with radius K, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call JMP SUN ; Otherwise jump to SUN to draw the sun with radius K, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call