.drverr LDA #4 ; Set A = 4 to return as the error number for the "Disk ; I/O error" .drver2 LDX stkptr ; Restore the value of the stack pointer from when we TXS ; first ran the RWTS code, to remove any return ; addresses or values from the disk access routines ; and make sure the RTS below returns from the RWTS ; code SEC ; Set the C flag to denote that an error has occurred BCS rttrk4 ; Jump to rttrk4 to return from the RWTS code with the ; error number in A and the error status in the C flagName: drverr [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Return from the RWTS code with a "Disk I/O error" Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * trytrk calls drverr * prterr calls via drver2
Returns: A The error number for the Disk I/O error (4) C flag The C flag is set
Other entry points: drver2 Restore the stack pointer and return from the RWTS code with the error number in A and the C flag set to indicate an error
Variable stkptr in workspace Disk operations workspace
Temporary storage for the stack pointer when running the RWTS low-level disk access routines