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Save and load: trytrk

[Apple II version, Loader]

Name: trytrk [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Try finding a specific track on the disk Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOS
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * rwts calls trytrk * rttrk calls via trytr4 * rdrght calls via trytr5 * rdrght calls via trytr6

This routine is almost identical to the TRYTRK routine in Apple DOS 3.3. It omits the code from the start of the routine that checks for the format command, as this is not required. The original DOS 3.3 source code for this routine in is shown in the comments. For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list. Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use.
Other entry points: trytr4 Entry point for track errors, so we can try reading it again (must have the status flags on the stack with the C flag set) trytr5 Re-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-calibrate trytr6 Re-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-seek
.trytrk ; TRYTRK EQU * ; LDY #$0C ; LDA (IOBPL),Y ; GET COMMAND CODE # ; BEQ GALLDONE ; IF NULL COMMAND, GO HOME TO ; BED. ; CMP #$04 ; FORMAT THE DISK? ; BEQ FORMDSK ; ALLRIGHT,ALLRIGHT, I WILL... ; ROR A ; SET CARRY=1 FOR READ, 0 FOR ; WRITE ; PHP ; AND SAVE THAT ; BCS TRYTRK2 ; MUST PRENIBBLIZE FOR WRITE. PLP ; Instead of the above checks, which we don't need to do PHP ; as we don't want to format the disk, we can simply BCC trytr2 ; fetch the read/write status into the C flag from the ; stack, and if the C flag is clear then we are reading ; a sector, so skip the following instruction as we ; only need to call prenib if we are writing JSR prenib ; JSR PRENIB16 .trytr2 LDY #48 ; TRYTRK2 LDY #$30 ; ONLY 48 RETRIES OF ANY KIND. STY ztemp2 ; STY RETRYCNT .trytr3 LDX slot16 ; TRYADR LDX SLOT ; GET SLOT NUM INTO X-REG JSR rdaddr ; JSR RDADR16 ; READ NEXT ADDRESS FIELD BCC rdrght ; BCC RDRIGHT ; IF READ IT RIGHT, HURRAH! .trytr4 DEC ztemp2 ; TRYADR2 DEC RETRYCNT ; ANOTHER MISTAEK!! BPL trytr3 ; BPL TRYADR ; WELL, LET IT GO THIS TIME., ; * ; * RRRRRECALIBRATE !!!! ; * .trytr5 ; RECAL EQU * ; LDA CURTRK ; PHA ; SAVE TRACK WE REALLY WANT ; LDA #$60 ; RECALIBRATE ALL OVER AGAIN! ; JSR SETTRK ; PRETEND TO BE ON TRACK 96 DEC recals ; DEC RECALCNT ; ONCE TOO MANY?? BEQ drverr ; BEQ DRVERR ; TRIED TO RECALIBRATE TOO ; MANY TIMES, ERROR! LDA #4 ; LDA #MAXSEEKS ; RESET THE STA seeks ; STA SEEKCNT ; SEEK COUNTER LDA #$60 ; The instructions LDA #$60 and JSR SETTRK above have STA curtrk ; been replaced by these two, which do the same thing ; but without the more generalised code of the original LDA #0 ; LDA #$00 JSR seek ; JSR MYSEEK ; MOVE TO TRACK 00 ; PLA ; The first two instructions at RECAL (LDA CURTRK and ; PHA) and the PLA instruction above have been replaced ; by the LDA track instruction below, which do the same ; thing .trytr6 LDA track ; Fetch the track number into A JSR seek ; RESEEK JSR MYSEEK ; GO TO CORRECT TRACK THIS ; TIME! JMP trytr2 ; JMP TRYTRK2 ; LOOP BACK, TRY AGAIN ON THIS ; TRACK