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Loader: LoadFile

[Apple II version, Loader]

Name: LoadFile [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Load a multi-sector file
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite loader calls LoadFile
.LoadFile LDA #12 ; Set tslIndex = 12, so we can use this as an index into STA tslIndex ; the track/sector list for the file we want to load, ; starting with the index of the first track/sector pair ; in byte #12 JSR findf ; Search the disk catalog for a file with the filename ; in comnam BCS load4 ; If no file is found with this name then findf will ; set the C flag, so jump to load4 to return from the ; subroutine as the file cannot be found JSR gettsl ; Get the track/sector list of the file and populate the ; track and sector variables with the track and sector ; of the file's contents, to pass to the call to rsect JSR CopyTrackSector ; Copy the track/sector list from the buffer into ; trackSector so we can work our way through it to load ; the file one sector at a time .load1 JSR rsect ; Read the first sector of the file's data into the ; buffer (or the next sector if we loop back from below) LDY skipBytes ; Set Y to the number of bytes to skip from the start of ; the file, so we can use it as a starting index into ; the first sector that we copy LDX #0 ; Set X = 0 to act as a byte index into the destination ; address for the file .load2 LDA buffer,Y ; Set A to the Y-th byte in the buffer .loadAddr STA $4000,X ; And copy it to the X-th byte of the load address, ; which by this point has been modified to the correct ; load address by the SetLoadVariables1 or ; SetLoadVariables2 routine JSR DecrementFileSize ; Decrement the file size in fileSize(1 0) by 1 as we ; have just loaded one more byte of the file BMI load4 ; If the result is negative then we have copied all ; fileSize(1 0) bytes, so jump to load4 to return from ; the subroutine INX ; Increment the destination index in X INY ; Increment the source index in Y BNE load2 ; Loop back until we have reached the end of the page ; page in the source index INC loadAddr+2 ; Update the load address as follows: LDA loadAddr+1 ; SEC ; loadAddr = loadAddr + 256 - skipBytes SBC skipBytes ; STA loadAddr+1 ; This makes sure that loadAddr points to the correct LDA loadAddr+2 ; load address for the next sector, as we just loaded a SBC #0 ; sector's worth of bytes (256) and skipped the first STA loadAddr+2 ; skipBytes bytes LDA skipBytes ; Set skipBytes = 0 so we don't skip any bytes from the BEQ load3 ; remaining sectors (as we only want to skip bytes from LDA #0 ; the first sector) STA skipBytes .load3 INC tslIndex ; Set tslIndex = tslIndex + 2 to point to the next track INC tslIndex ; and sector pair in the track/sector list LDY tslIndex ; Set track to the track number from the next pair in LDA trackSector,Y ; the track/sector list STA track LDA trackSector+1,Y ; Set sector to the sector number from the next pair in STA sector ; the track/sector list BNE load1 ; If either the track or sector number is non-zero, loop LDA track ; back to load1 to load the next sector BNE load1 .load4 RTS ; Return from the subroutine