.rentry ROR atemp0 ; Store the C flag in bit 7 of atemp0, so we can check ; it later JSR rvtoc ; Read the VTOC sector into the buffer ; We now work through the catalog sectors to look for ; the existing file entry (if bit 7 of atemp0 is clear) ; or an empty file empty (if bit 7 of atemp0 is set) .rentr2 LDA buffer+1 ; Set track to the track number of the next catalog STA track ; sector from byte #1 of the VTOC LDA buffer+2 ; Set sector to the sector number of the next catalog STA sector ; sector from byte #2 of the VTOC JSR rsect ; Read the catalog sector into the buffer LDY #$B ; Set Y to use as an index to the first file entry in ; the catalog sector (as the file entries start at ; offset $B in the catalog, with each entry taking up ; 35 bytes) .rentr3 LDA buffer,Y ; Set A to the first byte from the file entry, which ; will either be the track number of the file, or 0 to ; indicate an empty file entry, or $FF to indicate a ; deleted file BIT atemp0 ; If bit 7 of atemp0 is clear then we are searching the BPL rentr4 ; catalog for an existing file entry, so jump to rentr4 ; to do this ; If we get here then we are searching for an empty file ; entry TAX ; If A = 0 then we have just found an empty file entry, BEQ rentr6 ; so jump to rentr6 to return from the subroutine with a ; successful result CMP #$FF ; If A = $FF then we have just found a deleted file BEQ rentr6 ; entry, so jump to rentr6 to return from the subroutine ; with a successful result BNE rentr8 ; This file entry doesn't match our requirements, so ; jump to rentr8 to try the next file entry in this ; catalog sector .rentr4 ; If we get here then we are searching for an existing ; file entry TAX ; If A = 0 then we have just found an empty file entry, BEQ rentr9 ; which means we have not found a match for our file, so ; jump to rentr9 to return from the subroutine with the ; C flag set to indicate that we can't find the file CMP #$FF ; If A = $FF then we have just found a deleted file BEQ rentr8 ; entry, which is not a match for our file, so jump to ; rentr8 to try the next file entry in this catalog ; sector TYA ; Store the file entry index in Y on the stack, so we PHA ; can retrieve it after the following loop ; We now check the file entry to see if it matches the ; filename in comnam LDX #0 ; Set X = 0 to use as a character index for the filename ; in the file entry .rentr5 LDA buffer+3,Y ; Set A to the Y-th character from the filename in the AND #%01111111 ; file entry we are checking (the filename in a file ; entry starts at byte #3) CMP comnam,X ; If the character does not match the X-th character of BNE rentr7 ; comnam then the names don't match, to jump to rentr7 ; to try the next file entry in this catalog sector INY ; Increment the character index for the file entry INX ; Increment the character index for the filename we are ; searching for CPX #30 ; Loop back until we have checked all 30 characters BNE rentr5 ; If we get here then all 30 characters of the filename ; in the file entry match the filename in comnam, so we ; have found the file entry we are looking for PLA ; Set Y to the file entry index that we stored on the TAY ; stack above, so it once again points to the entry we ; are checking .rentr6 CLC ; Clear the C flag to indicate that we have found the ; file entry we are looking for RTS ; Return from the subroutine .rentr7 PLA ; Set Y to the file entry index that we stored on the TAY ; stack above, so it once again points to the entry we ; are checking .rentr8 TYA ; Set Y = Y + 35 CLC ; ADC #35 ; Each file entry in the catalog consists of 35 bytes, TAY ; so this increments Y to point to the next entry BNE rentr3 ; Loop back until we have reached the last file entry LDA buffer+1 ; Set track to the track number of the next catalog ; sector from byte #1 of the VTOC BNE rentr2 ; If the next catalog sector is non-zero then loop back ; to load and search this sector ; Otherwise we have searched every catalog sector and we ; haven't found what we're looking for, so fall through ; into rentr9 to return from the subroutine with the C ; flag set to indicate that the catalog is full .rentr9 SEC ; Clear the C flag to indicate that we have not found ; the file entry we are looking for RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: rentry [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Search the disk catalog for an existing file or an empty file entry Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * findf calls rentry
For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list.
Arguments: C flag The type of search: * Clear = search the catalog for an existing file * Set = search the catalog for an empty file entry
Returns: C flag The result of the search: * Clear = file/entry found * Set = file/entry not found Y The offset to the file entry in the catalog sector
Variable atemp0 in workspace Disk operations workspace 1
Temporary storage for the read/write status bit
Variable buffer in workspace Disk operations workspace 2
A 256-byte sector buffer, where we can load sectors from the disk, such as the track/sector list, or the commander file contents
Variable comnam (category: Save and load)
The filename of the first file to load, padded out with spaces to a fixed size of 30 characters for the rfile routine
Label rentr2 is local to this routine
Label rentr3 is local to this routine
Label rentr4 is local to this routine
Label rentr5 is local to this routine
Label rentr6 is local to this routine
Label rentr7 is local to this routine
Label rentr8 is local to this routine
Label rentr9 is local to this routine
Subroutine rsect (category: Save and load)
Read a specific sector from disk into the buffer
Subroutine rvtoc (category: Save and load)
Read the VTOC sector into the buffer
Variable sector in workspace Disk operations workspace 1
Storage for a sector number in the RWTS code
Variable track in workspace Disk operations workspace 1
Storage for a track number in the RWTS code