.rfile TSX ; Store the stack pointer in stkptr so we can restore it STX stkptr ; if there's a disk error JSR findf ; Search the disk catalog for a file with the filename ; in comnam LDA #5 ; If no file is found with this name then findf will BCS rfile3 ; set the C flag, so jump to rfile3 to return from the ; subroutine with the C flag set and A = 5, to indicate ; that the file cannot be found JSR gettsl ; Get the track/sector list of the file and populate the ; track and sector variables with the track and sector ; of the file's contents, to pass to the call to rsect JSR rsect ; Read the first sector of the file's data into the ; buffer (this contains the whole commander file, as it ; fits into one sector) LDY #0 ; We now copy the loaded file into the comfil buffer, ; so set a byte counter in Y .rfile2 LDA buffer+4,Y ; Copy the Y-th byte from the disk buffer at buffer+4 STA comfil,Y ; to the Y-th byte of the comfil buffer INY ; Increment the byte counter CPY #comsiz ; Loop back until we have copied the whole file (which BNE rfile2 ; contains comsiz bytes) CLC ; Clear the C flag to indicate that the file was found ; and loaded .rfile3 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: rfile [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Read a commander file from a DOS disk into the buffer Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LOD calls rfile * wfile calls via rfile3
For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list.
Returns: C flag The result of the read: * Clear = file found and loaded into the comfil buffer * Set = file not found, in which case A = 5, which we can pass to the diskerror routine to print a "File not found" error buffer Contains the commander file
Other entry points: rfile3 Contains an RTS
Variable buffer in workspace Disk operations workspace
A 256-byte sector buffer, where we can load sectors from the disk, such as the track/sector list, or the commander file contents
Configuration variable comfil = TAP%-20
The address of the commander file structure that is encrypted by MUTLIATE and decrypted by UNMUTILATE
Configuration variable comsiz = 110
The size of the commander file structure that is saved to disk (must be no more than 252 bytes so the file fits into a 256-byte sector, along with the four seeds used to encrypt and decrypt the file)
Subroutine findf (category: Save and load)
Search the disk catalog for an existing file
Subroutine gettsl (category: Save and load)
Read a file's track/sector list
Label rfile2 is local to this routine
Subroutine rsect (category: Save and load)
Read a specific sector from disk into the buffer
Variable stkptr in workspace Disk operations workspace
Temporary storage for the stack pointer when running the RWTS low-level disk access routines