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Keyboard: KYTB

[Apple II version]

Name: KYTB [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: Lookup table for in-flight keyboard controls Deep dive: The key logger
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * RDKEY uses KYTB

Keyboard table for in-flight controls. This table contains the ASCII values for the flight keys.
.KYTB RTS ; Return from the subroutine (used as an entry point and ; a fall-through from above) ; These are the primary flight controls (pitch, roll, ; speed and lasers): EQUS "/" ; ? KYTB+1 Slow down EQUS " " ; Space KYTB+2 Speed up EQUS "," ; < KYTB+3 Roll left EQUS "." ; > KYTB+4 Roll right EQUS "X" ; X KYTB+5 Pull up EQUS "S" ; S KYTB+6 Pitch down EQUS "A" ; A KYTB+7 Fire lasers ; These are the secondary flight controls: EQUS "B" ; B KYTB+8 Energy bomb EQUB 27 ; ESCAPE KYTB+9 Launch escape pod EQUS "T" ; T KYTB+10 Arm missile EQUS "U" ; U KYTB+11 Unarm missile EQUS "M" ; M KYTB+12 Fire missile EQUS "E" ; E KYTB+13 E.C.M. EQUS "J" ; J KYTB+14 In-system jump EQUS "C" ; C KYTB+15 Docking computer EQUS "P" ; P KYTB+16 Cancel docking computer