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Drawing lines: NLI4

[Apple II version]

Name: NLI4 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a line of dashes underneath a title on the text screen
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * NLIN4 calls NLI4
.NLI4 LDX #39 ; We want to draw a line of dashes underneath the text ; title, so set a column counter in X to work from the ; right side of the screen to the left, from column 39 ; to 0, so we can draw the line one character at a time .NLL1 LDA $480,X ; We only want to draw a dashes underneath characters in ; the title, so set A to the character in column X of ; the page title ; ; The title is in row 1 of the screen (the second row), ; which lives at memory location $480 in screen memory, ; so this fetches the character at column X on row 1 CMP #160 ; When we clear the text screen in the TTX66K routine, BEQ NLI5 ; we do this by filling it with character 160, so this ; jumps to NLI5 to skip the following if the character ; we just fetched is blank LDA #'-'+128 ; If we get here then there is a character in the title STA $500,X ; in column X, so draw a dash in the same column in the ; row below (which is row 2, at memory location $500 in ; screen memory) ; ; We add 128 to the ASCII code for a dash to set bit 7, ; so the character is displayed in normal video (white ; characters on a black background) .NLI5 DEX ; Decrement the column counter in X to move left to the ; next text column BPL NLL1 ; Loop back until we have reached the start of the row RTS ; Return from the subroutine