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Drawing the screen: BOX2

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: BOX2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Draw the left and right edges of the border box for the space view
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * wantdials calls BOX2
.BOX2 LDX #18 ; The space view is 18 character rows tall, so set a ; row counter in X so we draw edges along the sides of ; the space view only STX T2 ; Store the value of X in T2 so we can retrieve it for ; the right edge below LDY #LO(SCBASE+3*8) ; Set (Y SC) to the address of the fourth byte in the STY SC ; screen bitmap, so we draw the border box in the LDY #HI(SCBASE+3*8) ; rightmost two pixels of the four-character screen ; border on the left LDA #%00000011 ; Set a pixel byte in A with the two rightmost pixels ; set, to use for drawing the left edge of the border ; box JSR BOXS2 ; Draw the left vertical edge of the border box LDY #LO(SCBASE+36*8) ; Set (Y SC) to the address of the first byte to the STY SC ; right of the game screen, skipping the four character LDY #HI(SCBASE+36*8) ; border on the left and the 32 characters of the game ; screen, so we draw the border box in the leftmost two ; pixels of the four-character screen border on the ; right LDA #%11000000 ; Set a pixel byte in A with the two leftmost pixels ; set, to use for drawing the right edge of the border ; box LDX T2 ; Set X to the height of the border box that we stored ; in T2 above JSR BOXS2 ; Draw the right vertical edge of the border box LDA #1 ; This draws a pixel in character column 35 on the first STA SCBASE+$118 ; character row, which is within the four-character ; border to the right of the game screen ; ; The palette for this part of the screen is black on ; black, so the result isn't visible, and it's unclear ; what this is for; perhaps it was a visual check used ; during development to ensure that the border area was ; indeed not showing any pixels ; ; This write is manually reversed in the DEATH routine LDX #0 ; Set X = 0 so we draw a horizontal line across the ; screen at pixel y-coordinate 0 ; Fall into BOXS to draw the top horizontal edge of the ; border box at y-coordinate 0