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Save and load: GTDRV

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: GTDRV [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Get an ASCII disk drive number from the keyboard
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

Returns: A The ASCII value of the entered drive number ("0" to "3") C flag Clear if a valid drive number was entered (0-3), set otherwise
.GTDRV LDA #2 ; Print extended token 2 ("{cr}WHICH DRIVE?") JSR DETOK JSR t ; Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, returning ; the ASCII code in A and X ORA #%00010000 ; Set bit 4 of A, perhaps to avoid printing any control ; characters in the next instruction JSR CHPR ; Print the character in A PHA ; Store A on the stack so we can retrieve it after the ; call to FEED JSR FEED ; Print a newline PLA ; Restore A from the stack CMP #'0' ; If A < ASCII "0", then it is not a valid drive number, BCC LOR ; so jump to LOR to set the C flag and return from the ; subroutine CMP #'4' ; If A >= ASCII "4", then it is not a valid drive ; number, and this CMP sets the C flag, otherwise it is ; a valid drive number in the range 0-3, so clear it RTS ; Return from the subroutine