Name:KYTB[Show more] Type:Variable Category:Keyboard Summary:Lookup table for in-flight keyboard controls Deep dive:The key logger
Context:See this variable in context in the source code References:No direct references to this variable in this source file
This table is not used by the Commodore 64 version of Elite, and is left over
from the BBC Micro version.
.KYTBRTS; Return from the subroutine (used as an entry point and; a fall-through from above); These are the primary flight controls (pitch, roll,; speed and lasers):EQUB$68+128; ? KYTB+1 Slow downEQUB$62+128; Space KYTB+2 Speed upEQUB$66+128; < KYTB+3 Roll leftEQUB$67+128; > KYTB+4 Roll rightEQUB$42+128; X KYTB+5 Pull upEQUB$51+128; S KYTB+6 Pitch downEQUB$41+128; A KYTB+7 Fire lasers; These are the secondary flight controls:EQUB$60; TAB KYTB+8 Energy bombEQUB$70; ESCAPE KYTB+9 Launch escape podEQUB$23; T KYTB+10 Arm missileEQUB$35; U KYTB+11 Unarm missileEQUB$65; M KYTB+12 Fire missileEQUB$22; E KYTB+13 E.C.M.EQUB$45; J KYTB+14 In-system jumpEQUB$52; C KYTB+15 Docking computerEQUB$37; P KYTB+16 Cancel docking computer