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Keyboard: TGINT

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: TGINT [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: The keys used to toggle configuration settings when the game is paused
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * DKS3 uses TGINT
.TGINT ; The configuration keys in the same order as their ; configuration bytes (starting from DAMP), using their ; internal key numbers as returned by the RDKEY routine EQUB $01 ; Keyboard damping (RUN/STOP) EQUB $36 ; Keyboard auto-recentre ("A") EQUB $29 ; Author names and manual mis-jump ("X") EQUB $2B ; Flashing console bars ("F") EQUB $27 ; Reverse joystick Y-channel ("Y") EQUB $1E ; Reverse both joystick channels ("J") EQUB $1B ; Keyboard or joystick ("K") EQUB $1C ; Docking music toggle ("M") EQUB $2E ; Current media ("D") EQUB $17 ; Planetary details ("P") EQUB $2C ; Allow docking music to be toggled ("C") IF _GMA_RELEASE EQUB $32 ; Docking music tune ("E") ENDIF EQUB $24 ; Allow sounds during music ("B")