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Sound: Sound variables

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: Sound variables [Show more] Type: Workspace Address: $AA13 to $1461 Category: Sound Summary: The sound buffer where the data to be sent to the sound chip is processed Deep dive: Sound effects in Commodore 64 Elite
Context: See this workspace in context in the source code References: No direct references to this workspace in this source file
.SOFLG EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for sound effect flags EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOFLG,Y contains the following: ; ; * Bits 0-5: sound effect number + 1 of the sound ; currently being made on voice Y ; ; * Bit 7 is set if this is a new sound being made, ; rather than one that is in progress ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * NOISEOFF ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOCNT EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for sound effect counters EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOCNT,Y contains the counter of the sound currently ; being made on voice Y ; ; The counter decrements each frame, and when it reaches ; zero, the sound effect has finished ; ; These values come from the SFXCNT table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * NOISEOFF ; * SOFLUSH ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOPR EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for sound effect priorities EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOPR,Y contains the priority of the sound currently ; being made on voice Y ; ; These values come from the SFXPR table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.PULSEW EQUB 2 ; The current pulse width for sound effects ; ; This flips between 2 and 6 on each frame ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOFRCH EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for frequency change values EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOFRCH,Y contains the frequency change to be applied ; to the sound currently being made on voice Y in each ; frame ; ; These values come from the SFXFRCH table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOFRQ EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for sound effect frequencies EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOFRQ,Y contains the frequency of the sound currently ; being made on voice Y ; ; These values come from the SFXFQ table, and have the ; frequency change from the SFXFRCH table applied in ; each frame ; ; The frequency sent to the SID chip is SOFRQ * 64 ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOCR EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for voice control register values EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOCR,Y contains the voice control register for the ; sound currently being made on voice Y ; ; These values come from the SFXCR table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOATK EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for attack and decay lengths EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOATK,Y contains the attack and decay length for the ; sound currently being made on voice Y ; ; * Bits 0-3 = decay length ; ; * Bits 4-7 = attack length ; ; These values come from the SFXATK table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOSUS EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for release length and sustain volume EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOATK,Y contains the release length and sustain volume ; for the sound currently being made on voice Y ; ; * Bits 0-3 = release length ; ; * Bits 4-7 = sustain volume ; ; These values come from the SFXSUS table, but can be ; overridden manually using the NOISE2 routine ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above
.SOVCH EQUB 0 ; Sound buffer for the volume change rate EQUB 0 ; EQUB 0 ; SOVCH,Y contains the volume change rate of the sound ; currently being made on voice Y ; ; The sound's volume gets reduced by one every SOVCH,Y ; frames ; ; These values come from the SFXVCH table ; ; [Show more]
; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * NOISE ; * SOINT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above