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Version analysis of LASCT

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.


 SKIP 1                 \ The laser pulse count for the current laser
                        \ This is a counter that defines the gap between the
                        \ pulses of a pulse laser. It is set as follows:
                        \   * 0 for a beam laser
                        \   * 10 for a pulse laser

Code variation 1 of 1A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

\ It gets decremented every vertical sync (in the LINSCN \ routine, which is called 50 times a second) and is set \ to a non-zero value for pulse lasers only \ \ The laser only fires when the value of LASCT hits \ zero, so for pulse lasers with a value of 10, that \ means the laser fires once every 10 vertical syncs (or \ 5 times a second)
\ It gets decremented by 2 on each iteration round the \ main game loop and is set to a non-zero value for \ pulse lasers only \ \ The laser only fires when the value of LASCT hits \ zero, so for pulse lasers with a value of 10, that \ means the laser fires once every four iterations \ round the main game loop (LASCT = 10, 6, 2, 0)
\ It gets decremented by 4 on each iteration round the \ main game loop and is set to a non-zero value for \ pulse lasers only \ \ The laser only fires when the value of LASCT hits \ zero, so for pulse lasers with a value of 10, that \ means the laser fires once every four iterations \ round the main game loop (LASCT = 10, 6, 2, 0)
                        \ In comparison, beam lasers fire continuously as the
                        \ value of LASCT is always 0