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Tactics: ANGRY

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: ANGRY [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Tactics Summary: Make a ship hostile
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * FRMIS calls ANGRY * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls ANGRY

All this routine does is set the ship's hostile flag, start it turning and give it a kick of acceleration - later calls to TACTICS will make the ship start to attack us.
Arguments: A The type of ship we're going to irritate INF The address of the data block for the ship we're going to infuriate
.ANGRY CMP #SST ; If this is the space station, jump to AN2 to make the BEQ AN2 ; space station hostile LDY #36 ; Fetch the ship's NEWB flags from byte #36 LDA (INF),Y AND #%00100000 ; If bit 5 of the ship's NEWB flags is clear, skip the BEQ P%+5 ; following instruction, otherwise bit 5 is set, meaning ; this ship is an innocent bystander, and attacking it ; will annoy the space station JSR AN2 ; Call AN2 to make the space station hostile LDY #32 ; Fetch the ship's byte #32 (AI flag) LDA (INF),Y BEQ HI1 ; If the AI flag is zero then this ship has no AI and ; it can't get hostile, so return from the subroutine ; (as HI1 contains an RTS) ORA #%10000000 ; Otherwise set bit 7 (AI enabled) to ensure AI is STA (INF),Y ; definitely enabled LDY #28 ; Set the ship's byte #28 (acceleration) to 2, so it LDA #2 ; speeds up STA (INF),Y ASL A ; Set the ship's byte #30 (pitch counter) to 4, so it LDY #30 ; starts diving STA (INF),Y LDA TYPE ; If the ship's type is < #CYL (i.e. a missile, Coriolis CMP #CYL ; space station, escape pod, plate, cargo canister, BCC AN3 ; boulder, asteroid, splinter, Shuttle or Transporter), ; then jump to AN3 to skip the following LDY #36 ; Set bit 2 of the ship's NEWB flags in byte #36 to LDA (INF),Y ; make this ship hostile ORA #%00000100 STA (INF),Y .AN3 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .AN2 LDA K%+NI%+36 ; Set bit 2 of the NEWB flags in byte #36 of the second ORA #%00000100 ; ship in the ship data workspace at K%, which is STA K%+NI%+36 ; reserved for the sun or the space station (in this ; case it's the latter), to make it hostile RTS ; Return from the subroutine