.BDlab6 LDA value2 ; Set A to value2, to use as the new value of the voice ; control register for voice 2 STY SID+$B ; Zero SID register $B (the voice control register for ; voice 2), to reset the voice control STA SID+$B ; Set SID register $B (the voice control register for ; voice 2) to the music data byte that we just fetched ; in A, so control the voice as follows: ; ; * Bit 0: 0 = voice off, release cycle ; 1 = voice on, attack-decay-sustain cycle ; ; * Bit 1 set = synchronization enabled ; ; * Bit 2 set = ring modulation enabled ; ; * Bit 3 set = disable voice, reset noise generator ; ; * Bit 4 set = triangle waveform enabled ; ; * Bit 5 set = saw waveform enabled ; ; * Bit 6 set = square waveform enabled ; ; * Bit 7 set = noise waveform enabled RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Configuration variable SID = $D400
Registers for the SID sound synthesis chip, which are memory-mapped to the 29 bytes from $D400 to $D41C (see page 461 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Variable value2 in workspace Music variables
Stores the voice control register for voice 2