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Dashboard: DILX

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: DILX [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Update a bar-based indicator on the dashboard Deep dive: The dashboard indicators
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DIALS (Part 4 of 4) calls DILX * DIALS (Part 4 of 4) calls via DILX+2 * DIALS (Part 1 of 4) calls via DIL-1 * DIALS (Part 3 of 4) calls via DIL

The range of values shown on the indicator depends on which entry point is called. For the default entry point of DILX, the range is 0-255 (as the value passed in A is one byte). The other entry points are shown below.
Arguments: A The value to be shown on the indicator (so the larger the value, the longer the bar) K The colour to use when A is a high value K+1 The colour to use when A is a low value SC(1 0) The screen address of the first character block in the indicator
Other entry points: DILX+2 The range of the indicator is 0-64 (for the fuel indicator) DIL-1 The range of the indicator is 0-32 (for the speed indicator) DIL The range of the indicator is 0-16 (for the energy banks)
.DILX LSR A ; If we call DILX, we set A = A / 16, so A is 0-15 LSR A LSR A ; If we call DILX+2, we set A = A / 4, so A is 0-15 LSR A ; If we call DIL-1, we set A = A / 2, so A is 0-15 .DIL ; If we call DIL, we leave A alone, so A is 0-15 STA Q ; Store the indicator value in Q, now reduced to 0-15, ; which is the length of the indicator to draw in pixels LDX #$FF ; Set R = $FF, to use as a mask for drawing each row of STX R ; each character block of the bar, starting with a full ; character's width of 4 pixels CMP T1 ; If A >= T1 then we have passed the threshold where we BCS DL30 ; change bar colour, so jump to DL30 to set A to the ; "high value" colour LDA K+1 ; Set A to K+1, the "low value" colour to use BNE DL31 ; Jump down to DL31 (this BNE is effectively a JMP as A ; will never be zero) .DL30 LDA K ; Set A to K, the "high value" colour to use .DL31 STA COL ; Store the colour of the indicator in COL LDY #2 ; We want to start drawing the indicator on the third ; line in this character row, so set Y to point to that ; row's offset LDX #3 ; Set up a counter in X for the width of the indicator, ; which is 4 characters (each of which is 4 pixels wide, ; to give a total width of 16 pixels) .DL1 LDA Q ; Fetch the indicator value (0-15) from Q into A CMP #4 ; If Q < 4, then we need to draw the end cap of the BCC DL2 ; indicator, which is less than a full character's ; width, so jump down to DL2 to do this SBC #4 ; Otherwise we can draw a four-pixel wide block, so STA Q ; subtract 4 from Q so it contains the amount of the ; indicator that's left to draw after this character LDA R ; Fetch the shape of the indicator row that we need to ; display from R, so we can use it as a mask when ; painting the indicator. It will be $FF at this point ; (i.e. a full four-pixel row) .DL5 AND COL ; Fetch the four-pixel colour byte from COL, and only ; keep pixels that have their equivalent bits set in the ; mask byte in A STA (SC),Y ; Draw the shape of the mask on pixel row Y of the ; character block we are processing INY ; Draw the next pixel row, incrementing Y STA (SC),Y INY ; And draw the third pixel row, incrementing Y STA (SC),Y TYA ; Add 6 to Y, so Y is now 8 more than when we started CLC ; this loop iteration, so Y now points to the address ADC #6 ; of the first line of the indicator bar in the next ; character block (as each character is 8 bytes of ; screen memory) BCC P%+4 ; If the addition of the low bytes of SC overflowed, INC SC+1 ; increment the high byte TAY ; Transfer the updated value (Y + 6) back into Y DEX ; Decrement the loop counter for the next character ; block along in the indicator BMI DL6 ; If we just drew the last character block then we are ; done drawing, so jump down to DL6 to finish off BPL DL1 ; Loop back to DL1 to draw the next character block of ; the indicator (this BPL is effectively a JMP as A will ; never be negative following the previous BMI) .DL2 EOR #3 ; If we get here then we are drawing the indicator's STA Q ; end cap, so Q is < 4, and this EOR flips the bits, so ; instead of containing the number of indicator columns ; we need to fill in on the left side of the cap's ; character block, Q now contains the number of blank ; columns there should be on the right side of the cap's ; character block LDA R ; Fetch the current mask from R, which will be $FF at ; this point, so we need to turn Q of the columns on the ; right side of the mask to black to get the correct end ; cap shape for the indicator .DL3 ASL A ; Shift the mask left so bits 0 and 1 are cleared ASL A DEC Q ; Decrement the counter for the number of columns to ; blank out BPL DL3 ; If we still have columns to blank out in the mask, ; loop back to DL3 until the mask is correct for the ; end cap PHA ; Store the mask byte on the stack while we use the ; accumulator for a bit LDA #0 ; Change the mask so no bits are set, so the characters STA R ; after the one we're about to draw will be all blank LDA #99 ; Set Q to a high number (99, why not) so we will keep STA Q ; drawing blank characters until we reach the end of ; the indicator row PLA ; Restore the mask byte from the stack so we can use it ; to draw the end cap of the indicator JMP DL5 ; Jump back up to DL5 to draw the mask byte on-screen .DL6 ; We now need to move down into the character block ; below, and each character row in screen memory takes ; up $140 bytes ($100 for the visible part and $20 for ; each of the blank borders on the side of the screen), ; so that's what we need to add to SC(1 0) LDA SC ; Set SC(1 0) = SC(1 0) + $140 CLC ; ADC #$40 ; Starting with the low bytes STA SC LDA SC+1 ; And then adding the high bytes ADC #$01 STA SC+1 .DL9 RTS ; Return from the subroutine