.DK4 LDX thiskey ; Fetch the key pressed from thiskey in the key logger STX KL ; Store X in KL, which is used to store the value of the ; last key pressed CPX #$40 ; If INST/DEL is not being pressed, jump to DK2 below, BNE DK2 ; otherwise let's process the configuration keys .FREEZE ; COPY is being pressed, so we enter a loop that ; listens for configuration keys, and we keep looping ; until we detect a DELETE key press. This effectively ; pauses the game when COPY is pressed, and unpauses ; it when DELETE is pressed JSR WSCAN ; Call WSCAN to wait for the vertical sync, so the whole ; screen gets drawn JSR RDKEY ; Scan the keyboard for a key press and return the ; internal key number in A and X (or 0 for no key press) CPX #$02 ; If "Q" is not being pressed, skip to DK6 BNE DK6 STX DNOIZ ; "Q" is being pressed, so set DNOIZ to a non-zero value ; to turn the sound off .DK6 LDY #0 ; We now want to loop through the keys that toggle ; various settings, so set a counter in Y to work our ; way through them .DKL4 JSR DKS3 ; Call DKS3 to scan for the key given in Y, and toggle ; the relevant setting if it is pressed INY ; Increment Y to point to the next toggle key CPY #(MUFOR-DAMP) ; Check to see whether we have reached the last toggle ; key (i.e. MUFOR-1, as the standard set of options run ; from DAMP to PLTOG, which just before MUFOR) BNE DKL4 ; If not, loop back to check for the next toggle key BIT PATG ; If bit 7 of PATG is clear then the "X" configuration BPL nosillytog ; option has not been enabled, so jump to nosillytog to ; skip the following .DKL42 ; If we get here then the "X" configuration option has ; been enabled, so the title screen shows the authors' ; names, we can force a mis-jump, and we can alter the ; MUFOR, MUDOCK and MUSILLY configuration options, which ; are unavailable by default JSR DKS3 ; Call DKS3 to scan for the key given in Y, and toggle ; the relevant setting if it is pressed INY ; Increment Y to point to the next toggle key CPY #(MUSILLY+1-DAMP) ; Check to see whether we have reached the last toggle ; key (i.e. MUSILLY, as the standard set of options run ; from DAMP to PLTOG, and the extended options run from ; MUFOR to MUSILLY) BNE DKL42 ; If not, loop back to check for the next toggle key .nosillytog LDA MUTOK ; If the value of MUTOK has changed (i.e. it does not CMP MUTOKOLD ; match the value in MUTOKOLD) then the docking music BEQ P%+5 ; has either been enabled or disabled, so call MUTOKCH JSR MUTOKCH ; to process a change in the docking music configuration ; setting CPX #$33 ; If "S" is not being pressed, jump to DK7 BNE DK7 LDA #0 ; "S" is being pressed, so set DNOIZ to 0 to turn the STA DNOIZ ; sound on .DK7 CPX #$07 ; If left arrow is not being pressed, skip over the next BNE P%+5 ; instruction JMP DEATH2 ; Left arrow is being pressed, so jump to DEATH2 to end ; the game CPX #$0D ; If CLR/HOME is not being pressed, we are still paused, BNE FREEZE ; so loop back up to keep listening for configuration ; keys, otherwise fall through into the rest of the ; key detection code, which unpauses the game .DK2 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: DK4 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Scan for pause, configuration and secondary flight keys Deep dive: The key loggerContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
Scan for pause and configuration keys, and if this is a space view, also scan for secondary flight controls. Specifically: * Scan for the pause button (INST/DEL) and if it's pressed, pause the game and process any configuration key presses until the game is unpaused (CLR/HOME) * If this is a space view, scan for secondary flight keys and update the relevant bytes in the key logger
Other entry points: FREEZE Rejoin the pause routine after processing a screen save
Variable DAMP in workspace Option variables
Keyboard damping configuration setting
Subroutine DEATH2 (category: Start and end)
Reset most of the game and restart from the title screen
Label DK2 is local to this routine
Label DK6 is local to this routine
Label DK7 is local to this routine
Label DKL4 is local to this routine
Label DKL42 is local to this routine
Subroutine DKS3 (category: Keyboard)
Toggle a configuration setting and emit a beep
Variable DNOIZ in workspace Option variables
Sound on/off configuration setting
Variable MUFOR in workspace Option variables
Configuration setting that controls whether the docking music can be enabled or disabled
Variable MUSILLY in workspace Option variables
Sounds during music configuration setting
Variable MUTOK in workspace Option variables
Docking music configuration setting
Subroutine MUTOKCH (category: Sound)
Process a change in the docking music configuration setting
Variable MUTOKOLD in workspace Option variables
Used to store the previous value of MUTOK, so we can track whether the docking music configuration changes
Variable PATG in workspace Option variables
Configuration setting to show the author names on the start-up screen and enable manual hyperspace mis-jumps
Subroutine RDKEY (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for key presses and the joystick, and update the key logger
Subroutine WSCAN (category: Drawing the screen)
Wait for the vertical sync
Label nosillytog is local to this routine