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Drawing ships: DOEXP

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: DOEXP [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing ships Summary: Draw an exploding ship Deep dive: Drawing explosion clouds Generating random numbers Sprite usage in Commodore 64 Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) calls DOEXP * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) calls DOEXP * PTCLS2 calls via EXS1

Other entry points: EXS1 Set (A X) = (A R) +/- random * cloud size
.EX2 LDA INWK+31 ; Set bits 5 and 7 of the ship's byte #31 to denote that ORA #%10100000 ; the ship is exploding and has been killed STA INWK+31 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .DOEXP LDA INWK+31 ; If bit 6 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then the AND #%01000000 ; ship is not already exploding so there is no existing BEQ P%+5 ; explosion cloud to remove, so skip the following ; instruction JSR PTCLS ; Call PTCLS to remove the existing cloud by drawing it ; again LDA INWK+6 ; Set T = z_lo STA T LDA INWK+7 ; Set A = z_hi, so (A T) = z CMP #32 ; If z_hi < 32, skip the next two instructions BCC P%+6 LDA #$FE ; Set A = 254 and jump to yy (this BNE is effectively a BNE yy ; JMP, as A is never zero) ASL T ; Shift (A T) left twice ROL A ASL T ROL A SEC ; And then shift A left once more, inserting a 1 into ROL A ; bit 0 ; Overall, the above multiplies A by 8 and makes sure it ; is at least 1, to leave a one-byte distance in A. We ; can use this as the distance for our cloud, to ensure ; that the explosion cloud is visible even for ships ; that blow up a long way away .yy STA Q ; Store the distance to the explosion in Q LDY #1 ; Fetch byte #1 of the ship line heap, which contains LDA (XX19),Y ; the cloud counter STA frump ; Store the cloud counter in frump, so we can retrieve ; it below ADC #4 ; Add 4 to the cloud counter, so it ticks onwards every ; we redraw it BCS EX2 ; If the addition overflowed, jump up to EX2 to update ; the explosion flags and return from the subroutine STA (XX19),Y ; Store the updated cloud counter in byte #1 of the ship ; line heap JSR DVID4 ; Calculate the following: ; ; (P R) = 256 * A / Q ; = 256 * cloud counter / distance ; ; We are going to use this as our cloud size, so the ; further away the cloud, the smaller it is, and as the ; cloud counter ticks onward, the cloud expands LDA P ; Set A = P, so we now have: ; ; (A R) = 256 * cloud counter / distance CMP #$1C ; If A < 28, skip the next two instructions BCC P%+6 LDA #$FE ; Set A = 254 and skip the following (this BNE is BNE LABEL_1 ; effectively a JMP as A is never zero) ASL R ; Shift (A R) left three times to multiply by 8 ROL A ASL R ROL A ASL R ROL A ; Overall, the above multiplies (A R) by 8 to leave a ; one-byte cloud size in A, given by the following: ; ; A = 8 * cloud counter / distance .LABEL_1 DEY ; Decrement Y to 0 STA (XX19),Y ; Store the cloud size in byte #0 of the ship line heap LDA INWK+31 ; Clear bit 6 of the ship's byte #31 to denote that the AND #%10111111 ; explosion has not yet been drawn STA INWK+31 AND #%00001000 ; If bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then nothing BEQ TT48 ; is being drawn on-screen for this ship anyway, so ; return from the subroutine (as TT48 contains an RTS) LDY #2 ; Otherwise it's time to draw an explosion cloud, so LDA (XX19),Y ; fetch byte #2 of the ship line heap into Y, which we TAY ; set to the explosion count for this ship (i.e. the ; number of vertices used as origins for explosion ; clouds) ; ; The explosion count is stored as 4 * n + 6, where n is ; the number of vertices, so the following loop copies ; the coordinates of the first n vertices from the heap ; at XX3, which is where we stored all the visible ; vertex coordinates in part 8 of the LL9 routine, and ; sticks them in the ship line heap pointed to by XX19, ; starting at byte #7 (so it leaves the first 6 bytes of ; the ship line heap alone) .EXL1 LDA XX3-7,Y ; Copy byte Y-7 from the XX3 heap, into the Y-th byte of STA (XX19),Y ; the ship line heap DEY ; Decrement the loop counter CPY #6 ; Keep copying vertex coordinates into the ship line BNE EXL1 ; heap until Y = 6 (which will copy n vertices, where n ; is the number of vertices we should be exploding) LDA INWK+31 ; Set bit 6 of the ship's byte #31 to denote that the ORA #%01000000 ; explosion has been drawn (as it's about to be) STA INWK+31 LDY frump ; Fetch the cloud counter into Y, which we stored in ; frump above CPY #18 ; If the cloud counter in Y is 18, then the explosion BNE P%+5 ; has just begun (as the cloud counter is initialised JMP PTCLS2S ; to 18 in part 1 of LL9), so jump to PTCLS2 via PTCLS2S ; to draw the explosion along with an explosion sprite, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .PTCLS ; This part of the routine actually draws the explosion ; cloud LDY #0 ; Fetch byte #0 of the ship line heap, which contains LDA (XX19),Y ; the cloud size we stored above, and store it in Q STA Q INY ; Increment the index in Y to point to byte #1 LDA (XX19),Y ; Fetch byte #1 of the ship line heap, which contains ; the cloud counter. We are now going to process this ; into the number of particles in each vertex's cloud BPL P%+4 ; If the cloud counter < 128, then we are in the first ; half of the cloud's existence, so skip the next ; instruction EOR #$FF ; Flip the value of A so that in the second half of the ; cloud's existence, A counts down instead of up LSR A ; Divide A by 16 so that is has a maximum value of 7 LSR A LSR A LSR A ORA #1 ; Make sure A is at least 1 and store it in U, to STA U ; give us the number of particles in the explosion for ; each vertex INY ; Increment the index in Y to point to byte #2 LDA (XX19),Y ; Fetch byte #2 of the ship line heap, which contains STA TGT ; the explosion count for this ship (i.e. the number of ; vertices used as origins for explosion clouds) and ; store it in TGT LDA RAND+1 ; Fetch the current random number seed in RAND+1 and PHA ; store it on the stack, so we can re-randomise the ; seeds when we are done LDY #6 ; Set Y = 6 to point to the byte before the first vertex ; coordinate we stored on the ship line heap above (we ; increment it below so it points to the first vertex) .EXL5 LDX #3 ; We are about to fetch a pair of coordinates from the ; ship line heap, so set a counter in X for 4 bytes .EXL3 INY ; Increment the index in Y so it points to the next byte ; from the coordinate we are copying LDA (XX19),Y ; Copy the Y-th byte from the ship line heap to the X-th STA K3,X ; byte of K3 DEX ; Decrement the X index BPL EXL3 ; Loop back to EXL3 until we have copied all four bytes ; The above loop copies the vertex coordinates from the ; ship line heap to K3, reversing them as we go, so it ; sets the following: ; ; K3+3 = x_lo ; K3+2 = x_hi ; K3+1 = y_lo ; K3+0 = y_hi STY CNT ; Set CNT to the index that points to the next vertex on ; the ship line heap LDY #2 ; Set Y = 2, which we will use to point to bytes #3 to ; #6, after incrementing it ; This next loop copies bytes #3 to #6 from the ship ; line heap into the four random number seeds in RAND to ; RAND+3, EOR'ing them with the vertex index so they are ; different for every vertex. This enables us to ; generate random numbers for drawing each vertex that ; are random but repeatable, which we need when we ; redraw the cloud to remove it ; ; Note that we haven't actually set the values of bytes ; #3 to #6 in the ship line heap, so we have no idea ; what they are, we just use what's already there. But ; the fact that those bytes are stored for this ship ; means we can repeat the random generation of the ; cloud, which is the important bit .EXL2 INY ; Increment the index in Y so it points to the next ; random number seed to copy LDA (XX19),Y ; Fetch the Y-th byte from the ship line heap EOR CNT ; EOR with the vertex index, so the seeds are different ; for each vertex STA $FFFF,Y ; Y is going from 3 to 6, so this stores the four bytes ; in memory locations $02, $03, $04 and $05, which are ; the memory locations of RAND through RAND+3 CPY #6 ; Loop back to EXL2 until Y = 6, which means we have BNE EXL2 ; copied four bytes LDY U ; Set Y to the number of particles in the explosion for ; each vertex, which we stored in U above. We will now ; use this as a loop counter to iterate through all the ; particles in the explosion .EXL4 CLC ; This contains the code from the DORND2 routine, so LDA RAND ; this section is exactly equivalent to a JSR DORND2 ROL A ; call, but is slightly faster as it's been inlined TAX ; (so it sets A and X to random values, making sure ADC RAND+2 ; the C flag doesn't affect the outcome) STA RAND STX RAND+2 LDA RAND+1 TAX ADC RAND+3 STA RAND+1 STX RAND+3 STA ZZ ; Set ZZ to a random number LDA K3+1 ; Set (A R) = (y_hi y_lo) STA R ; = y LDA K3 JSR EXS1 ; Set (A X) = (A R) +/- random * cloud size ; = y +/- random * cloud size BNE EX11 ; If A is non-zero, the particle is off-screen as the ; coordinate is bigger than 255), so jump to EX11 to do ; the next particle CPX #2*Y-1 ; If X > the y-coordinate of the bottom of the screen, BCS EX11 ; the particle is off the bottom of the screen, so jump ; to EX11 to do the next particle ; Otherwise X contains a random y-coordinate within the ; cloud STX Y1 ; Set Y1 = our random y-coordinate within the cloud LDA K3+3 ; Set (A R) = (x_hi x_lo) STA R LDA K3+2 JSR EXS1 ; Set (A X) = (A R) +/- random * cloud size ; = x +/- random * cloud size BNE EX4 ; If A is non-zero, the particle is off-screen as the ; coordinate is bigger than 255), so jump to EX4 to do ; the next particle ; Otherwise X contains a random x-coordinate within the ; cloud LDA Y1 ; Set A = our random y-coordinate within the cloud JSR PIXEL ; Draw a point at screen coordinate (X, A) with the ; point size determined by the distance in ZZ .EX4 DEY ; Decrement the loop counter for the next particle BPL EXL4 ; Loop back to EXL4 until we have done all the particles ; in the cloud LDY CNT ; Set Y to the index that points to the next vertex on ; the ship line heap CPY TGT ; If Y < TGT, which we set to the explosion count for BCC EXL5 ; this ship (i.e. the number of vertices used as origins ; for explosion clouds), loop back to EXL5 to do a cloud ; for the next vertex PLA ; Restore the current random number seed to RAND+1 that STA RAND+1 ; we stored at the start of the routine LDA K%+6 ; Store the z_lo coordinate for the planet (which will STA RAND+3 ; be pretty random) in the RAND+3 seed RTS ; Return from the subroutine .PTCLS2S JMP PTCLS2 ; Jump to PTCLS2 to display the explosion sprite (this ; JMP enables us to jump to PTCLS using a branch to ; PTCLS2S though this isn't actually done anywhere) .EX11 CLC ; This contains the code from the DORND2 routine, so LDA RAND ; this section is exactly equivalent to a JSR DORND2 ROL A ; call, but is slightly faster as it's been inlined TAX ; (so it sets A and X to random values, making sure ADC RAND+2 ; the C flag doesn't affect the outcome) STA RAND STX RAND+2 LDA RAND+1 TAX ADC RAND+3 STA RAND+1 STX RAND+3 JMP EX4 ; We just skipped a particle, so jump up to EX4 to do ; the next one .EXS1 ; This routine calculates the following: ; ; (A X) = (A R) +/- random * cloud size ; ; returning with the flags set for the high byte in A STA S ; Store A in S so we can use it later CLC ; This contains the code from the DORND2 routine, so LDA RAND ; this section is exactly equivalent to a JSR DORND2 ROL A ; call, but is slightly faster as it's been inlined TAX ; (so it sets A and X to random values, making sure ADC RAND+2 ; the C flag doesn't affect the outcome) STA RAND STX RAND+2 LDA RAND+1 TAX ADC RAND+3 STA RAND+1 STX RAND+3 ROL A ; Set A = A * 2 BCS EX5 ; If bit 7 of A was set (50% chance), jump to EX5 JSR FMLTU ; Set A = A * Q / 256 ; = random << 1 * projected cloud size / 256 ADC R ; Set (A X) = (S R) + A TAX ; = (S R) + random * projected cloud size ; ; where S contains the argument A, starting with the low ; bytes LDA S ; And then the high bytes ADC #0 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .EX5 JSR FMLTU ; Set T = A * Q / 256 STA T ; = random << 1 * projected cloud size / 256 LDA R ; Set (A X) = (S R) - T SBC T ; TAX ; where S contains the argument A, starting with the low ; bytes LDA S ; And then the high bytes SBC #0 RTS ; Return from the subroutine