.JAMESON LDY #(NAEND%-NA2%) ; We are going to copy the default commander at NA2% ; over the top of the last saved commander at NA%, so ; set a counter to copy all the bytes between NA2% and ; NAEND% .JAMEL1 LDA NA2%,Y ; Copy the Y-th byte of NA2% to the Y-th byte of NA% STA NA%,Y DEY ; Decrement the loop counter BPL JAMEL1 ; Loop back until we have copied the whole commander LDY #7 ; Set oldlong to 7, the length of the commander name STY oldlong ; "JAMESON" RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Label JAMEL1 is local to this routine
Variable NA% (category: Save and load)
The data block for the last saved commander
Variable NA2% (category: Save and load)
The data block for the default commander
Variable oldlong (category: Save and load)
Contains the length of the last saved commander name