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Sound: SFXCR

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: SFXCR [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Sound Summary: The voice control register (SID+$4) for each sound effect Deep dive: Sound effects in Commodore 64 Elite
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * NOISE uses SFXCR

The voice control register is set in this table as follows: * Bit 0: 0 = voice off, release cycle 1 = voice on, attack-decay-sustain cycle * Bit 1 set = synchronization enabled * Bit 2 set = ring modulation enabled * Bit 3 set = disable voice, reset noise generator * Bit 4 set = triangle waveform enabled * Bit 5 set = saw waveform enabled * Bit 6 set = square waveform enabled * Bit 7 set = noise waveform enabled
.SFXCR EQUB %01000001 ; Sound 0 = sfxplas = Pulse lasers fired by us EQUB %00010001 ; Sound 1 = sfxelas = Being hit by lasers 1 EQUB %10000001 ; Sound 2 = sfxhit = Other ship exploding EQUB %10000001 ; Sound 3 = sfxexpl = We died / Collision EQUB %10000001 ; Sound 4 = sfxwhosh = Missile launched / Ship launch EQUB %00010001 ; Sound 5 = sfxbeep = Short, high beep EQUB %00010001 ; Sound 6 = sfxboop = Long, low beep EQUB %01000001 ; Sound 7 = sfxhyp1 = Hyperspace drive engaged 1 EQUB %00100001 ; Sound 8 = sfxeng = This sound is not used EQUB %01000001 ; Sound 9 = sfxecm = E.C.M. on EQUB %00100001 ; Sound 10 = sfxblas = Beam lasers fired by us EQUB %00100001 ; Sound 11 = sfxalas = Military lasers fired by us EQUB %00010001 ; Sound 12 = sfxmlas = Mining lasers fired by us EQUB %10000001 ; Sound 13 = sfxbomb = Energy bomb EQUB %00010001 ; Sound 14 = sfxtrib = Trumbles dying EQUB %00100001 ; Sound 15 = sfxelas2 = Being hit by lasers 2