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Loader: fastTrackSector

[Commodore 64 version, Disk Loader 2]

Name: fastTrackSector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A track and sector table for use by the fast loader
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
.fastTrackSector EQUB $A0, $50 EQUB $0A EQUB $05, $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $20, $10, $02 EQUB $01, $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $80 EQUB $40 EQUB $08 EQUB $04 EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $FF