.SetUpFastLoader JSR fast47 JSR fast46 RTS LDA #$06 STA $31 JSR $F50A .fast1 BVC fast1 CLV LDA $1C01 IF _GMA86_PAL STA $0600,Y ELIF _GMA85_NTSC STA ($30),Y ENDIF INY BNE fast1 LDY #$BA .fast2 BVC fast2 CLV LDA $1C01 STA $0100,Y INY BNE fast2 JSR $F8E0 LDA $38 CMP $47 BEQ fast3 LDA #$04 BNE fast12 .fast3 JSR $F5E9 CMP $3A BEQ fast4 LDA #$05 BNE fast12 .fast4 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA $0601 STA $07 LDY #$02 LDX #$FF LDA $0600 BEQ fast5 STX $0601 .fast5 INC $0601 .fast6 LDX $0600,Y CPX #$01 BNE fast7 JSR load3 .fast7 JSR load3 INY CPY $0601 BNE fast6 LDA $0600 BEQ fast14 CMP $06 STA $06 BEQ fast13 LDA #$01 .fast8 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA ($30),Y BNE fast9 INC $0601 .fast9 LDA ($30),Y TAX .fast10 BIT $1800 BPL fast10 LDA #$10 STA $1800 .fast11 BIT $1800 BMI fast11 TXA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 TXA AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 LDX #$0F NOP NOP STX $1800 LDA $0600 BEQ fast17 INY BNE fast9 LDA $0601 STA $0F LDA ($30),Y CMP $0E STA $0E BEQ fast13 LDA #$01 ENDIF .fast12 JMP $F969 .fast13 IF _GMA86_PAL JMP $0304 .fast14 LDX #$01 JSR load3 LDX #$02 JSR load3 LDA #$7F JMP $F969 .fast15 BIT $1800 BPL fast15 LDA #$10 STA $1800 .fast16 BIT $1800 BMI fast16 TXA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F STA $1800 TXA AND #$0F STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F STA $1800 LDA #$0F NOP STA $1800 RTS JSR $D042 .mod1 LDA #$FF STA $06 .mod2 LDA #$FF STA $07 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JMP $0704 .fast17 INY CPY $0601 BNE fast9 LDA #$7F BNE fast12 LDA $18 STA $0E LDA $19 STA $0F ENDIF .fast18 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$E0 STA $00 .fast19 LDA $00 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$E0 STA $04 .fast19 LDA $04 ENDIF BMI fast19 CMP #$7F BEQ fast20 BCC fast18 .fast20 JMP $D048 .fast21 LDA $A4 STA $DD00 .fast22 LDA $DD00 BPL fast22 .fast23 LDA VIC+$12 CMP #$31 BCC fast24 AND #$06 CMP #$02 BEQ fast23 .fast24 LDA $A5 STA $DD00 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP IF _GMA86_PAL LDX $DD00 LDA $CF00,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF08,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF10,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF18,X ELIF _GMA85_NTSC NOP LDY $DD00 LDA $CF00,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF08,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF10,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF18,Y ENDIF RTS IF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$00 STA $93 LDA $BA CMP #$08 BCS fast25 LDA #$08 .fast25 STA $BA STA $B8 JSR $F5AF JSR $F333 LDX $B9 STX $02 LDA #$60 STA $B9 JSR $F3D5 LDA $BA JSR $ED09 LDA $B9 JSR $EDC7 JSR $EE13 LDA $90 LSR A LSR A BCC fast26 JMP $F704 .fast26 JSR $F5D2 ENDIF LDA #$00 STA $A4 .fast27 JSR fast43 LDA #$57 JSR $EDDD LDA $A4 JSR $EDDD IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$03 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$07 ENDIF JSR $EDDD LDA #$20 JSR $EDDD LDY $A4 CLC LDA $A4 ADC #$20 STA $A4 .fast28 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA $0403,Y ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA $03D6,Y ENDIF JSR $EDDD INY CPY $A4 BNE fast28 IF _GMA86_PAL JSR $FFCC LDA $A4 CMP #$CE ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JSR $EDFE LDA $A4 CMP #$B5 ENDIF BCC fast27 JSR fast43 LDA #$45 JSR $EDDD IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$B2 JSR $EDDD LDA #$03 JSR $EDDD JSR $FFCC ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$9C JSR $EDDD LDA #$07 JSR $EDDD JSR $EDFE ENDIF LDA $DD00 AND #$07 STA $A5 ORA #$08 STA $A4 SEI IF _GMA85_NTSC LDX #$04 .fast29 JSR fast21 BEQ fast34 CMP #$FF BNE fast30 LDA #$02 STA $90 BNE fast41 .fast30 JSR fast21 CPX #$02 BEQ fast31 JSR fast44 .fast31 JSR fast21 JSR fast50 LDY #$00 STA ($AE),Y INC $AE BEQ fast33 .fast32 INX BNE fast31 LDX #$02 JMP fast29 .fast33 INC $AF JMP fast32 .fast34 JSR fast21 CPX #$02 PHP TAX PLP BEQ fast35 JSR fast44 DEX DEX .fast35 DEX DEX .fast36 JSR fast21 ENDIF IF _GMA86_PAL JSR fast44 LDY #$00 .fast37 JSR fast50 JSR fast21 CMP #$01 BNE fast38 JSR fast21 CMP #$01 BNE fast39 .fast38 STA ($AE),Y INY BNE fast37 INC $AF BNE fast37 .fast39 LDA $A5 STA $0618 JSR $F646 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JSR fast50 LDY #$00 STA ($AE),Y INC $AE BNE fast40 INC $AF .fast40 DEX BNE fast36 .fast41 LDA $A5 STA $064E JSR $F646 ENDIF .fast42 LDA VIC+$11 BPL fast42 JSR $FDA3 LDA $DD00 AND #$F8 IF _GMA86_PAL ORA $0618 STA $DD00 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC ORA $064E STA $DD00 LDX $AE LDY $AF ENDIF RTS .fast43 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$00 JSR KERNALSETNAM LDA #$0F TAY LDX #$08 JSR KERNALSETLFS JSR $FFC0 LDX #$0F JSR $FFC9 LDA #$4D JSR KERNALCHROUT LDA #$2D JSR KERNALCHROUT ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA $BA JSR $ED0C LDA #$6F JSR $EDB9 LDA #$4D JSR $EDDD LDA #$2D JSR $EDDD ENDIF RTS .fast44 JSR fast21 STA $AE JSR fast21 IF _GMA85_NTSC LDY $02 BNE fast45 LDA $C3 STA $AE LDA $C4 .fast45 ENDIF STA $AF RTS .fast46 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$10 STA $0330 LDA #$05 STA $0331 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$CE STA $0330 LDA #$04 STA $0331 ENDIF RTS .fast47 LDX #$00 LDY #$00 .fast48 LDA #$08 IF _GMA86_PAL STA $0618 LDA $05FC,X ELIF _GMA85_NTSC STA $064E LDA $0632,X ENDIF .fast49 STA $CF00,Y INY IF _GMA86_PAL DEC $0618 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC DEC $064E ENDIF BNE fast49 INX CPX #$1C BCC fast48 RTS .fast50 INC VIC+$20 DEC VIC+$20 RTSName: SetUpFastLoader [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set up the fast loader so that calls to the Kernal's file functions use the fast loader routines insteadContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * OfferFastLoader calls SetUpFastLoader
This routine implements a fast loader that intercepts the Kernal's file functions to provide a faster load experience than the default system does. As this code isn't really Elite-specific and is only run if you choose the optional fast loader, I haven't added any commentary. For an excellent commented version of this routine, I highly recommend Kroc Camen's epic Elite Harmless project: https://github.com/Kroc/elite-harmless/blob/kroc/src/boot/gma/stage1.asm
Configuration variable KERNALCHROUT = $FFD2
The Kernal function to print characters
Configuration variable KERNALSETLFS = $FFBA
The Kernal function to set the logical, first, and second addresses for file access
Configuration variable KERNALSETNAM = $FFBD
The Kernal function to set a filename
Configuration variable VIC = $D000
Registers for the VIC-II video controller chip, which are memory-mapped to the 46 bytes from $D000 to $D02E (see page 454 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Label fast1 is local to this routine
Label fast10 is local to this routine
Label fast11 is local to this routine
Label fast12 is local to this routine
Label fast13 is local to this routine
Label fast14 is local to this routine
Label fast15 is local to this routine
Label fast16 is local to this routine
Label fast17 is local to this routine
Label fast18 is local to this routine
Label fast19 is local to this routine
Label fast2 is local to this routine
Label fast20 is local to this routine
Label fast21 is local to this routine
Label fast22 is local to this routine
Label fast23 is local to this routine
Label fast24 is local to this routine
Label fast25 is local to this routine
Label fast26 is local to this routine
Label fast27 is local to this routine
Label fast28 is local to this routine
Label fast29 is local to this routine
Label fast3 is local to this routine
Label fast30 is local to this routine
Label fast31 is local to this routine
Label fast32 is local to this routine
Label fast33 is local to this routine
Label fast34 is local to this routine
Label fast35 is local to this routine
Label fast36 is local to this routine
Label fast37 is local to this routine
Label fast38 is local to this routine
Label fast39 is local to this routine
Label fast4 is local to this routine
Label fast40 is local to this routine
Label fast41 is local to this routine
Label fast42 is local to this routine
Label fast43 is local to this routine
Label fast44 is local to this routine
Label fast45 is local to this routine
Label fast46 is local to this routine
Label fast47 is local to this routine
Label fast48 is local to this routine
Label fast49 is local to this routine
Label fast5 is local to this routine
Label fast50 is local to this routine
Label fast6 is local to this routine
Label fast7 is local to this routine
Label fast9 is local to this routine
Entry point load3 in subroutine Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) (category: Loader)
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