INCLUDE "1-source-files/main-sources/elite-build-options.asm" _GMA85_NTSC = (_VARIANT = 1) _GMA86_PAL = (_VARIANT = 2) _GMA_RELEASE = (_VARIANT = 1) OR (_VARIANT = 2) _SOURCE_DISK_BUILD = (_VARIANT = 3) _SOURCE_DISK_FILES = (_VARIANT = 4) _SOURCE_DISK = (_VARIANT = 3) OR (_VARIANT = 4)COMMODORE 64 ELITE GMA1 DISK LOADER SOURCE (PART 2 of 2) Commodore 64 Elite was written by Ian Bell and David Braben and is copyright D. Braben and I. Bell 1985 The code in this file has been reconstructed from a disassembly of the version released on Ian Bell's personal website at The commentary is copyright Mark Moxon, and any misunderstandings or mistakes in the documentation are entirely my fault The terminology and notations used in this commentary are explained at The deep dive articles referred to in this commentary can be found at
This source file contains the second of two disk loaders for Commodore 64 Elite. It loads the disk protection code in GMA3 (which gets disabled in this version). Then it runs the game loader to load the game data, before loading the two game binaries and starting the game.
This source file produces the following binary file: * gma1.binCODE% = $0334 ; The address where the code will be run LOAD% = $0334 ; The address where the code will be loaded IF _GMA_RELEASE ENTRY = $7596 ; The entry point in the COMLOD file (GMA4) ; ; [Show more]Configuration variables; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveS% = $1D22 ; The entry point in the LOCODE file (GMA5) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveELIF _SOURCE_DISK ENTRY = $7607 ; The entry point in the COMLOD file (GMA4) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveS% = $1D1F ; The entry point in the LOCODE file (GMA5) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveENDIF L1 = $0001 ; The 6510 input/output port register, which we can use ; to configure the Commodore 64 memory layout (see page ; 260 of the Programmer's Reference Guide) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveVIC = $D000 ; Registers for the VIC-II video controller chip, which ; are memory-mapped to the 46 bytes from $D000 to $D02E ; (see page 454 of the Programmer's Reference Guide) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) ; * OfferFastLoader ; * SetUpFastLoader ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALSCINIT = $FF81 ; The Kernal function to initialise the VIC-II ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) ; * OfferFastLoader ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALRESTOR = $FF8A ; The Kernal function to restore the vector table at ; $0314 to $0333 with the default values ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALSETLFS = $FFBA ; The Kernal function to set the logical, first, and ; second addresses for file access ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LoadGMAFile ; * SetUpFastLoader ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALSETNAM = $FFBD ; The Kernal function to set a filename ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * SetUpFastLoader ; * SetUpGMAFile ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALSETMSG = $FF90 ; The Kernal function to control Kernal messages ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALCHROUT = $FFD2 ; The Kernal function to print characters ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * PrintString ; * SetUpFastLoader ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALGETIN = $FFE4 ; The Kernal function to read a byte from the default ; input ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * OfferFastLoader ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALCLALL = $FFE7 ; The Kernal function to clear the file table ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveKERNALLOAD = $FFD5 ; The Kernal function to load a file from a device ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LoadGMAFile ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveORG CODE% - 2 ; Add a two-byte PRG header to the start of the file EQUW LOAD% ; that contains the load addressELITE GMA1 LOADERIF _GMA86_PAL JMP load1 ; Jump to part 2 of the loader, skipping the table of ; track and sector numbers ENDIFName: Elite GMA loader (Part 1 of 4) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Skip past the table of track and sector numbers if presentContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source fileIF _GMA86_PAL .trackSector EQUB $00, $00 ; Track and sector for the "FIREBIRD" file EQUB $00, $00 ; Track and sector for the "GMA1" file EQUB $11, $04 ; Track and sector for the "GMA2" file EQUB $11, $05 ; Track and sector for the "GMA3" file EQUB $11, $06 ; Track and sector for the "GMA4" file EQUB $13, $00 ; Track and sector for the "GMA5" file EQUB $14, $08 ; Track and sector for the "GMA6" file ENDIFName: trackSector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: Track and sector numbers for all the files on the disk, for use in the fast loaderContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SetUpGMAFile uses trackSector.load1 LDA #%00000000 ; Call the Kernal's SETMSG function to set the system JSR KERNALSETMSG ; error display switch as follows: ; ; * Bit 6 clear = do not display I/O error messages ; ; * Bit 7 clear = do not display system messages ; ; This ensures that any file system errors are hidden LDA #$FF ; Set the high byte of the execution address of STOP to STA $0329 ; $FF, from the default $F6ED to $FFED ; ; The address $FFED in the Kernal ROM simply returns ; without doing anything, so this effectively disables ; the RUN/STOP key JSR OfferFastLoader ; Ask whether we want to use the fast loader, and if we ; do, configure it to intercept the Kernal functions for ; loading files IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #3 ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA3 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the disk copy protection ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #'3' ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA3 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the disk copy protection ENDIF JSR $C800 ; Call the disk copy protection code in GMA3 (this call ; gets disabled by IF _GMA86_PAL LDA $02 ; If the result of the disk copy protection in address EOR #$97 ; $0002 is $97, then jump to load2 to skip the following BEQ load2 ; (this check gets disabled by JMP ($FFFC) ; Otherwise we have failed the disk protection checks, ; so jump to the address in $FFFC to reset the machine .load2 ENDIFName: Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Offer the option of a fast loader and run the disk protection code in the GMA3 fileContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source fileIF _GMA86_PAL LDA #4 ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA4 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the Elite loader and game data ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #'4' ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA4 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the Elite loader and game data ENDIF JSR KERNALSCINIT ; Call the Kernal's SCINIT function to initialise the ; VIC-II LDA #2 ; Set VIC register $20 to set the border colour to the STA VIC+$20 ; colour number in bits 0-3 (i.e. colour 2, red) STA VIC+$21 ; Set VIC register $21 to set the background colour to ; the colour number in bits 0-3 (i.e. colour 2, red) LDA #$04 ; Set the high byte of the pointer to screen memory to STA $0288 ; $04, so screen memory gets set to $0400 LDA #$4C ; Insert the following instruction into address $CE0E: STA $CE0E ; LDA #LO(load4) ; JMP load4 STA $CE0F ; ; starting with the opcode ($4C) and the low byte of the ; address .load3 LDA #HI(load4) ; And finishing up with the high byte of the address STA $CE10 ; ; This enables the Elite loader to jump back to load4 ; when it has finished by doing a JMP $CE0E instruction ; (see elite-loader.asm) JMP ENTRY ; Jump to the entry point in elite-loader, which returns ; to load4 via the JMP command we put in $CE0E aboveName: Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Run the Elite loader in the GMA4 fileContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SetUpFastLoader calls via load3
Other entry points: load3 Jump to the entry point in elite-loader.load4 ; When the Elite loader has finished, it jumps back here ; via the instruction we inserted into address $CE0E CLC ; Call CopyZeroPage with the C flag clear to copy the JSR CopyZeroPage ; contents of zero page to $CE00, so we can restore it ; once we have finished loading the game binaries LDA L1 ; Set bits 0 to 2 of the 6510 port register at location AND #%11111000 ; L1 to %110 to set the input/output port to the ORA #%00101110 ; following: STA L1 ; ; * LORAM = 0 ; * HIRAM = 1 ; * CHAREN = 1 ; ; This sets the entire 64K memory map to RAM except for ; the I/O memory map at $D000-$DFFF, which gets mapped ; to registers in the VIC-II video controller chip, the ; SID sound chip, the two CIA I/O chips, and so on, and ; $E000-$FFFF, which gets mapped to the Kernal ROM ; ; See the memory map at the bottom of page 264 in the ; "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", published ; by Commodore \ ; This also sets bits 3 and 5 to configure the Datasette ; as follows: ; ; * Bit 3 = Datasette output signal level 1 ; ; * Bit 5 = Datasette motor control off IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #5 ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA5 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the first block of game code (ELITE A to C) LDA #6 ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA6 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the second block of game code (ELITE D onwards) ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #'5' ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA5 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the first block of game code (ELITE A to C) LDA #'6' ; Call LoadGMAFile to load the GMA6 file, which contains JSR LoadGMAFile ; the second block of game code (ELITE D onwards) ENDIF LDA L1 ; Set bits 0 to 2 of the 6510 port register at location AND #%11111000 ; L1 to %110 to set the input/output port to the ORA #%00000110 ; following: STA L1 ; ; * LORAM = 0 ; * HIRAM = 1 ; * CHAREN = 1 ; ; This sets the entire 64K memory map to RAM except for ; the I/O memory map at $D000-$DFFF, which gets mapped ; to registers in the VIC-II video controller chip, the ; SID sound chip, the two CIA I/O chips, and so on, and ; $E000-$FFFF, which gets mapped to the Kernal ROM ; ; See the memory map at the bottom of page 264 in the ; "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", published ; by Commodore SEC ; Call CopyZeroPage with the C flag set to restore the JSR CopyZeroPage ; contents of zero page from $CE00, which we backed up ; above JSR KERNALRESTOR ; Call the Kernal's RESTOR function to restore the ; vector table at $0314 to $0333 with the default ; values, so the fast loader code is no longer called ; when we use the Kernal's file functions JSR KERNALCLALL ; Call the Kernal's CLALL function to clear the file ; table and close any open files JMP S% ; Jump to S% in the GMA5 game binary we just loaded, to ; finally start the gameName: Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Load the GMA5 and GMA6 binaries and start the gameContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file.LoadGMAFile JSR SetUpGMAFile ; Configure the filename parameters to load the GMA file ; whose number is in A LDA #1 ; Call the Kernal's SETLFS function to set the file LDX #8 ; parameters as follows: LDY #1 ; JSR KERNALSETLFS ; * A = logical number 1 ; ; * X = device number 8 (disk) ; ; * Y = secondary address 1 LDA #0 ; Call the Kernal's LOAD function to load the GMA file JSR KERNALLOAD ; as follows: ; ; * A = 0 to initiate a load operation ; ; So this loads the specified GMA file from disk RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: LoadGMAFile [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Load a specific GMA fileContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4) calls LoadGMAFile * Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) calls LoadGMAFile * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) calls LoadGMAFile
Arguments: A The number of the GMA file to load * For the GMA85 NTSC variant: as an ASCII character * For the GMA86 PAL variant: as an integer.SetUpGMAFile IF _GMA86_PAL TAX ; Copy the number of the GMA file into X CLC ; Add X to the ASCII for '0' to turn 3, 4 or 5 into ADC #'0' ; ASCII characters "3", "4" or "5" ENDIF STA fileNumber ; Store the ASCII file number in fileNumber so the ; filename gets set to GMA3, GMA4 or GMA5 IF _GMA86_PAL TXA ; Set X = X * 2 ASL A ; TAX ; so we can use X as an index into the trackSector ; table, which has two bytes per entry LDA trackSector,X ; Modify the code at mod1 and mod2 with the track STA mod1+1 ; and sector numbers for file X, so the fast loader LDA trackSector+1,X ; knows where to find the file on disk STA mod2+1 ENDIF LDX #LO(filename) ; Call SETNAM to set the filename parameters as follows: LDY #HI(filename) ; LDA #4 ; * A = filename length of 4 JSR KERNALSETNAM ; ; * (Y X) = address of filename ; ; So this sets the filename to "GMA*" where "*" is the ; number passed to the subroutine in A RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: SetUpGMAFile [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Configure the filename parameters to load a specific GMA fileContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LoadGMAFile calls SetUpGMAFile
Arguments: A The number of the GMA file to load * For the GMA85 NTSC variant: as an ASCII character * For the GMA86 PAL variant: as an integer.filename EQUS "GMA" .fileNumber EQUS " " EQUS " WAS HERE 1985 OK"Name: filename [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The GMA filename used to load the game files, buried in a message from GMA, the author of the loaderContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SetUpGMAFile uses filename.SetUpFastLoader JSR fast47 JSR fast46 RTS LDA #$06 STA $31 JSR $F50A .fast1 BVC fast1 CLV LDA $1C01 IF _GMA86_PAL STA $0600,Y ELIF _GMA85_NTSC STA ($30),Y ENDIF INY BNE fast1 LDY #$BA .fast2 BVC fast2 CLV LDA $1C01 STA $0100,Y INY BNE fast2 JSR $F8E0 LDA $38 CMP $47 BEQ fast3 LDA #$04 BNE fast12 .fast3 JSR $F5E9 CMP $3A BEQ fast4 LDA #$05 BNE fast12 .fast4 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA $0601 STA $07 LDY #$02 LDX #$FF LDA $0600 BEQ fast5 STX $0601 .fast5 INC $0601 .fast6 LDX $0600,Y CPX #$01 BNE fast7 JSR load3 .fast7 JSR load3 INY CPY $0601 BNE fast6 LDA $0600 BEQ fast14 CMP $06 STA $06 BEQ fast13 LDA #$01 .fast8 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA ($30),Y BNE fast9 INC $0601 .fast9 LDA ($30),Y TAX .fast10 BIT $1800 BPL fast10 LDA #$10 STA $1800 .fast11 BIT $1800 BMI fast11 TXA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 TXA AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F NOP STA $1800 LDX #$0F NOP NOP STX $1800 LDA $0600 BEQ fast17 INY BNE fast9 LDA $0601 STA $0F LDA ($30),Y CMP $0E STA $0E BEQ fast13 LDA #$01 ENDIF .fast12 JMP $F969 .fast13 IF _GMA86_PAL JMP $0304 .fast14 LDX #$01 JSR load3 LDX #$02 JSR load3 LDA #$7F JMP $F969 .fast15 BIT $1800 BPL fast15 LDA #$10 STA $1800 .fast16 BIT $1800 BMI fast16 TXA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F STA $1800 TXA AND #$0F STA $1800 ASL A AND #$0F STA $1800 LDA #$0F NOP STA $1800 RTS JSR $D042 .mod1 LDA #$FF STA $06 .mod2 LDA #$FF STA $07 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JMP $0704 .fast17 INY CPY $0601 BNE fast9 LDA #$7F BNE fast12 LDA $18 STA $0E LDA $19 STA $0F ENDIF .fast18 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$E0 STA $00 .fast19 LDA $00 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$E0 STA $04 .fast19 LDA $04 ENDIF BMI fast19 CMP #$7F BEQ fast20 BCC fast18 .fast20 JMP $D048 .fast21 LDA $A4 STA $DD00 .fast22 LDA $DD00 BPL fast22 .fast23 LDA VIC+$12 CMP #$31 BCC fast24 AND #$06 CMP #$02 BEQ fast23 .fast24 LDA $A5 STA $DD00 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP IF _GMA86_PAL LDX $DD00 LDA $CF00,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF08,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF10,X LDX $DD00 ORA $CF18,X ELIF _GMA85_NTSC NOP LDY $DD00 LDA $CF00,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF08,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF10,Y NOP LDY $DD00 ORA $CF18,Y ENDIF RTS IF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$00 STA $93 LDA $BA CMP #$08 BCS fast25 LDA #$08 .fast25 STA $BA STA $B8 JSR $F5AF JSR $F333 LDX $B9 STX $02 LDA #$60 STA $B9 JSR $F3D5 LDA $BA JSR $ED09 LDA $B9 JSR $EDC7 JSR $EE13 LDA $90 LSR A LSR A BCC fast26 JMP $F704 .fast26 JSR $F5D2 ENDIF LDA #$00 STA $A4 .fast27 JSR fast43 LDA #$57 JSR $EDDD LDA $A4 JSR $EDDD IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$03 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$07 ENDIF JSR $EDDD LDA #$20 JSR $EDDD LDY $A4 CLC LDA $A4 ADC #$20 STA $A4 .fast28 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA $0403,Y ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA $03D6,Y ENDIF JSR $EDDD INY CPY $A4 BNE fast28 IF _GMA86_PAL JSR $FFCC LDA $A4 CMP #$CE ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JSR $EDFE LDA $A4 CMP #$B5 ENDIF BCC fast27 JSR fast43 LDA #$45 JSR $EDDD IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$B2 JSR $EDDD LDA #$03 JSR $EDDD JSR $FFCC ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$9C JSR $EDDD LDA #$07 JSR $EDDD JSR $EDFE ENDIF LDA $DD00 AND #$07 STA $A5 ORA #$08 STA $A4 SEI IF _GMA85_NTSC LDX #$04 .fast29 JSR fast21 BEQ fast34 CMP #$FF BNE fast30 LDA #$02 STA $90 BNE fast41 .fast30 JSR fast21 CPX #$02 BEQ fast31 JSR fast44 .fast31 JSR fast21 JSR fast50 LDY #$00 STA ($AE),Y INC $AE BEQ fast33 .fast32 INX BNE fast31 LDX #$02 JMP fast29 .fast33 INC $AF JMP fast32 .fast34 JSR fast21 CPX #$02 PHP TAX PLP BEQ fast35 JSR fast44 DEX DEX .fast35 DEX DEX .fast36 JSR fast21 ENDIF IF _GMA86_PAL JSR fast44 LDY #$00 .fast37 JSR fast50 JSR fast21 CMP #$01 BNE fast38 JSR fast21 CMP #$01 BNE fast39 .fast38 STA ($AE),Y INY BNE fast37 INC $AF BNE fast37 .fast39 LDA $A5 STA $0618 JSR $F646 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC JSR fast50 LDY #$00 STA ($AE),Y INC $AE BNE fast40 INC $AF .fast40 DEX BNE fast36 .fast41 LDA $A5 STA $064E JSR $F646 ENDIF .fast42 LDA VIC+$11 BPL fast42 JSR $FDA3 LDA $DD00 AND #$F8 IF _GMA86_PAL ORA $0618 STA $DD00 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC ORA $064E STA $DD00 LDX $AE LDY $AF ENDIF RTS .fast43 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$00 JSR KERNALSETNAM LDA #$0F TAY LDX #$08 JSR KERNALSETLFS JSR $FFC0 LDX #$0F JSR $FFC9 LDA #$4D JSR KERNALCHROUT LDA #$2D JSR KERNALCHROUT ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA $BA JSR $ED0C LDA #$6F JSR $EDB9 LDA #$4D JSR $EDDD LDA #$2D JSR $EDDD ENDIF RTS .fast44 JSR fast21 STA $AE JSR fast21 IF _GMA85_NTSC LDY $02 BNE fast45 LDA $C3 STA $AE LDA $C4 .fast45 ENDIF STA $AF RTS .fast46 IF _GMA86_PAL LDA #$10 STA $0330 LDA #$05 STA $0331 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC LDA #$CE STA $0330 LDA #$04 STA $0331 ENDIF RTS .fast47 LDX #$00 LDY #$00 .fast48 LDA #$08 IF _GMA86_PAL STA $0618 LDA $05FC,X ELIF _GMA85_NTSC STA $064E LDA $0632,X ENDIF .fast49 STA $CF00,Y INY IF _GMA86_PAL DEC $0618 ELIF _GMA85_NTSC DEC $064E ENDIF BNE fast49 INX CPX #$1C BCC fast48 RTS .fast50 INC VIC+$20 DEC VIC+$20 RTSName: SetUpFastLoader [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set up the fast loader so that calls to the Kernal's file functions use the fast loader routines insteadContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * OfferFastLoader calls SetUpFastLoader
This routine implements a fast loader that intercepts the Kernal's file functions to provide a faster load experience than the default system does. As this code isn't really Elite-specific and is only run if you choose the optional fast loader, I haven't added any commentary. For an excellent commented version of this routine, I highly recommend Kroc Camen's epic Elite Harmless project: EQUB $A0, $50 EQUB $0A EQUB $05, $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $20, $10, $02 EQUB $01, $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $80 EQUB $40 EQUB $08 EQUB $04 EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $FF EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $00 EQUB $FFName: fastTrackSector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A track and sector table for use by the fast loaderContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file.CopyZeroPage LDX #2 ; We copy the contents of either $0002 to $00FF (if the ; C flag is clear) or $CE02 to $CEFF (if the C flag is ; set), so set an index in X to start from offset 2 .swap1 LDA $0000,X ; Set A to the X-th byte of zero page BCC swap2 ; If the C flag is clear then skip the following ; instruction LDA $CE00,X ; Set A to the X-th byte of the page at $CE00 .swap2 STA $0000,X ; Store the copied byte in the X-th byte of both zero STA $CE00,X ; page and the page at $CE00 INX ; Increment the byte counter BNE swap1 ; Loop back until we have copied all of zero page RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: CopyZeroPage [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Copy a page of data in a specified direction between zero page and the page at $CE00, omitting the first two bytesContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4) calls CopyZeroPage
Arguments: C flag Configures the source page: * Clear = copy data from zero page to $CE00 * Set = copy data from the page at $CE00 to zero page.OfferFastLoader LDA VIC+$11 ; Loop back to OfferFastLoader until bit 7 of VIC-II BPL OfferFastLoader ; register $11 (control register 1) is set ; ; Bit 7 of register $11 contains the top bit of the ; current raster line (which is a 9-bit value), so this ; waits until the raster has reached at least line 256 LDA #$08 ; Set the high byte of the pointer to screen memory to STA $0288 ; $08, so screen memory gets set to $0800 JSR KERNALSCINIT ; Call the Kernal's SCINIT function to initialise the ; VIC-II and start using the new screen memory address LDA VIC+$18 ; Set bits 4-7 of VIC register $18 to %0010 to set the AND #%00001111 ; address of screen RAM to $0800 ORA #%00100000 STA VIC+$18 LDA #2 ; Set VIC register $20 to set the border colour to the STA VIC+$20 ; colour number in bits 0-3 (i.e. colour 2, red) STA VIC+$21 ; Set VIC register $21 to set the background colour to ; the colour number in bits 0-3 (i.e. colour 2, red) LDX #0 ; Print the first string from loaderScreens, which JSR PrintString ; clears the screen and prints the "FAST LOADER? (Y/N)" ; prompt TXA ; Store X on the stack, as it contains the offset of the PHA ; second string in loaderScreens LDA fastLoaderOffered ; If fastLoaderOffered is non-zero then we have already BNE setf2 ; asked about the fast loader, so jump to setf2 to skip ; the following and go straight to the loading screen ; (so we don't ask twice) INC fastLoaderOffered ; Set fastLoaderOffered to 1 to record that we have ; asked about the fast loader LDA #$1C ; Change the colour of the "FAST LOADER? (Y/N)" prompt STA promptText ; from yellow to red to hide it, as it is on a red ; background .setf1 JSR KERNALGETIN ; Call the Kernal's GETIN function to fetch a key press ; from the keyboard BEQ setf1 ; Loop back to setf1 until a key is pressed CMP #'N' ; If "N" was pressed then jump to setf2 to skip the fast BEQ setf2 ; loader setup and stick to the standard load routines CMP #'Y' ; If "Y" was not pressed then loop back to setf1 to wait BNE setf1 ; for another key press ; If we get here then "Y" was pressed, so we need to set ; up the fast loader JSR SetUpFastLoader ; Call SetUpFastLoader to set up the fast loader, so ; that calls to the Kernal's file functions use the fast ; loader routines instead of the built-in functions .setf2 PLA ; Retrieve the value of X from the stack so it points to TAX ; the second string in loaderScreens, i.e. the "LOADING ; ELITE" screen ; Fall through into PrintString to display the "LOADING ; ELITE" screenName: OfferFastLoader [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Offer the option of using the fast loader, if we haven't already, and set up the fast loader if it is chosenContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4) calls OfferFastLoader.PrintString LDA loaderScreens,X ; Set A to the X-th from loaderScreens BEQ prin1 ; If it is zero then we have reached the end of the ; string, so jump to prin1 JSR KERNALCHROUT ; Call the Kernal's CHROUT function to print the ; character in A INX ; Increment X to point to the next character BNE PrintString ; Loop back to print the next character (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as X is never zero .prin1 INX ; Increment X to point to the next character, so the ; next call to PrintString will print the next string RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: PrintString [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Print the null-terminated string at offset X in loaderScreensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * OfferFastLoader calls PrintString.fastLoaderOffered EQUB 0 ; A flag to record the status of the fast loader: ; ; * 0 = we have not asked about the fast loader ; ; * 1 = we have already asked about the fast loaderName: fastLoaderOffered [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A flag to record whether we have already asked whether to use the fast loader, so we don't ask twiceContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * OfferFastLoader uses fastLoaderOffered.loaderScreens EQUB $93 ; Clear screen EQUB $96 ; Set pink text EQUB $8E ; Upper case character set EQUB $08 ; Disable SHIFT-C= EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " IF _GMA86_PAL EQUS "GMA86" ELIF _GMA85_NTSC EQUS "GMA85" ENDIF EQUB $11, $11, $11 ; 9 x cursor down EQUB $11, $11, $11 EQUB $11, $11, $11 .promptText EQUB $9E ; Set yellow text EQUS " DO YOU WANT TO USE" EQUB 13 EQUB 13 EQUS " THE FAST LOADER? (Y/N)" EQUB 0 ; Terminate string 1 for PrintString EQUB $93 ; Clear screen EQUB $96 ; Set pink text EQUB $8E ; Upper case character set EQUB $08 ; Disable SHIFT-C= EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " " IF _GMA86_PAL EQUS "GMA86" ELIF _GMA85_NTSC EQUS "GMA85" ENDIF EQUB $11, $11, $11 ; 9 x cursor down EQUB $11, $11, $11 EQUB $11, $11, $11 EQUB $9E ; Set yellow text EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS "LOADING" EQUB 13 EQUB 13 EQUS " " EQUS " " EQUS " ELITE." EQUB 0 ; Terminate string 2 for PrintStringName: loaderScreens [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: PETSCII codes for clearing the screen and displaying the fast loader prompt and loading screensContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * PrintString uses loaderScreensSAVE "3-assembled-output/gma1.bin", CODE%-2, P%, LOAD%Save gma1.bin
Subroutine CopyZeroPage (category: Loader)
Copy a page of data in a specified direction between zero page and the page at $CE00, omitting the first two bytes
Configuration variable ENTRY
The entry point in the COMLOD file (GMA4)
Configuration variable KERNALCHROUT
The Kernal function to print characters
Configuration variable KERNALCLALL
The Kernal function to clear the file table
Configuration variable KERNALGETIN
The Kernal function to read a byte from the default input
Configuration variable KERNALLOAD
The Kernal function to load a file from a device
Configuration variable KERNALRESTOR
The Kernal function to restore the vector table at $0314 to $0333 with the default values
Configuration variable KERNALSCINIT
The Kernal function to initialise the VIC-II
Configuration variable KERNALSETLFS
The Kernal function to set the logical, first, and second addresses for file access
Configuration variable KERNALSETMSG
The Kernal function to control Kernal messages
Configuration variable KERNALSETNAM
The Kernal function to set a filename
Configuration variable L1
The 6510 input/output port register, which we can use to configure the Commodore 64 memory layout (see page 260 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Configuration variable LOAD%
The address where the code will be loaded
Subroutine LoadGMAFile (category: Loader)
Load a specific GMA file
Subroutine OfferFastLoader (category: Loader)
Offer the option of using the fast loader, if we haven't already, and set up the fast loader if it is chosen
Subroutine PrintString (category: Loader)
Print the null-terminated string at offset X in loaderScreens
Configuration variable S%
The entry point in the LOCODE file (GMA5)
Subroutine SetUpFastLoader (category: Loader)
Set up the fast loader so that calls to the Kernal's file functions use the fast loader routines instead
Subroutine SetUpGMAFile (category: Loader)
Configure the filename parameters to load a specific GMA file
Configuration variable VIC
Registers for the VIC-II video controller chip, which are memory-mapped to the 46 bytes from $D000 to $D02E (see page 454 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Label fast1 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast10 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast11 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast12 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast13 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast14 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast15 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast16 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast17 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast18 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast19 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast2 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast20 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast21 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast22 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast23 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast24 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast25 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast26 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast27 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast28 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast29 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast3 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast30 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast31 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast32 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast33 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast34 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast35 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast36 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast37 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast38 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast39 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast4 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast40 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast41 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast42 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast43 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast44 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast45 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast46 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast47 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast48 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast49 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast5 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast50 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast6 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast7 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label fast9 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Variable fastLoaderOffered (category: Loader)
A flag to record whether we have already asked whether to use the fast loader, so we don't ask twice
Label fileNumber in variable filename
Variable filename (category: Loader)
The GMA filename used to load the game files, buried in a message from GMA, the author of the loader
Label load1 in subroutine Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4)
Label load2 in subroutine Elite GMA loader (Part 2 of 4)
Entry point load3 in subroutine Elite GMA loader (Part 3 of 4) (category: Loader)
Jump to the entry point in elite-loader
Label load4 in subroutine Elite GMA loader (Part 4 of 4)
Variable loaderScreens (category: Loader)
PETSCII codes for clearing the screen and displaying the fast loader prompt and loading screens
Label mod1 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label mod2 in subroutine SetUpFastLoader
Label prin1 in subroutine PrintString
Variable promptText in variable loaderScreens
Set yellow text
Label setf1 in subroutine OfferFastLoader
Label setf2 in subroutine OfferFastLoader
Label swap1 in subroutine CopyZeroPage
Label swap2 in subroutine CopyZeroPage
Variable trackSector (category: Loader)
Track and sector numbers for all the files on the disk, for use in the fast loader