; We now set the sprite pointers to point to the sprite ; definitions (the sprites themselves are defined in ; elite-sprite.asm) LDA #SPOFF% ; The first sprite definition at offset SPOFF% contains ; the sights for the pulse laser, so we start by setting ; Y to the sprite pointer for the first sprite, which is ; for the pulse laser (the sprites are defined in ; elite-sprite.asm) STA $63F8 ; Set the pointer for sprite 0 in the text view to A ; ; The sprite pointer for sprite 0 is at $63F8 for the ; text view because screen RAM for the text view is ; at $6000 to $63FF, and the sprite pointers always ; live in the last eight bytes of screen RAM, so that's ; from $63F8 to $63FF for sprites 0 to 7 STA $67F8 ; Set the pointer for sprite 0 in the space view to A ; ; The sprite pointer for sprite 0 is at $67F8 for the ; space view because screen RAM for the space view is ; at $6400 to $67FF, and the sprite pointers always ; live in the last eight bytes of screen RAM, so that's ; from $67F8 to $67FF for sprites 0 to 7 ; Next we set the sprite pointer for the explosion ; sprite in sprite 1 LDA #SPOFF%+4 ; There are four laser sight sprite definitions, so to ; get the offset of the fifth sprite definition, for ; the explosion sprite, we need to set A to the sprite ; offset plus 4 (as each increment in the pointer adds ; 64 bytes to the address, or one sprite definition) STA $63F9 ; Set the pointer for sprite 1 in the text view to A STA $67F9 ; Set the pointer for sprite 1 in the space view to A ; Next we set the sprite pointers for the Trumbles in ; sprites 2, 4 and 6, so they all look to the right LDA #SPOFF%+5 ; Set A to the sprite pointer for the sixth sprite ; definition (i.e. the first Trumble sprite, which ; looks to the right) STA $63FA ; Set the pointer for sprite 2 in the text view to A STA $67FA ; Set the pointer for sprite 2 in the space view to A STA $63FC ; Set the pointer for sprite 4 in the text view to A STA $67FC ; Set the pointer for sprite 4 in the space view to A STA $63FE ; Set the pointer for sprite 6 in the text view to A STA $67FE ; Set the pointer for sprite 6 in the space view to A ; And finally we set the sprite pointers for Trumble ; sprites 3, 5 and 7, so they all look to the left LDA #SPOFF%+6 ; Set A to the sprite pointer for the seventh sprite ; definition (i.e. the second Trumble sprite, which ; looks to the left) STA $63FB ; Set the pointer for sprite 3 in the text view to A STA $67FB ; Set the pointer for sprite 3 in the space view to A STA $63FD ; Set the pointer for sprite 5 in the text view to A STA $67FD ; Set the pointer for sprite 5 in the space view to A STA $63FF ; Set the pointer for sprite 7 in the text view to A STA $67FF ; Set the pointer for sprite 7 in the space view to A LDA L1 ; Set bits 0 to 2 of the 6510 port register at location AND #%11111000 ; L1 to %110 to set the input/output port to the ORA #%00000110 ; following: STA L1 ; ; * LORAM = 0 ; * HIRAM = 1 ; * CHAREN = 1 ; ; This sets the entire 64K memory map to RAM except for ; the I/O memory map at $D000-$DFFF, which gets mapped ; to registers in the VIC-II video controller chip, the ; SID sound chip, the two CIA I/O chips, and so on, and ; $E000-$FFFF, which gets mapped to the Kernal ROM ; ; See the memory map at the bottom of page 264 in the ; "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", published ; by Commodore CLI ; Allow interrupts again LDX #9 ; Set X = $16 so we copy 9 pages of data from DIALS ; into DSTORE% LDA #LO(DSTORE%) ; Set ZP(1 0) = DSTORE% STA ZP LDA #HI(DSTORE%) STA ZP+1 LDA #LO(DIALS) ; Set (A ZP2) = DIALS STA ZP2 LDA #HI(DIALS) JSR mvblock ; Call mvblock to copy 9 pages of data from DIALS to ; DSTORE%, so this makes a copy of the dashboard bitmap ; that can be poked into screen memory when the ; dashboard needs to be redrawn (when changing from a ; text view to the space view, for example) LDY #0 ; Finally, we copy two pages of sprite definitions from ; spritp to SPRITELOC%, which is where the game expects ; to find them .LOOP12 LDA spritp,Y ; Copy the Y-th byte of the sprite definitions at spritp STA SPRITELOC%,Y ; to the Y-th byte of SPRITELOC% DEY ; Decrement the byte counter BNE LOOP12 ; Loop back until we have copied a whole page of bytes .LOOP13 LDA spritp+$100,Y ; Copy the Y-th byte of the second page of sprite STA SPRITELOC%+$100,Y ; definitions at spritp + $100 into SPRITELOC% DEY ; Decrement the byte counter BNE LOOP13 ; Loop back until we have copied a second page of bytes JMP $CE0E ; This loader was originally run from the GMA1 disk ; loader, which set a return address in $CE0E before ; running the above ; ; This therefore returns us to the GMA1 loader, so it ; can load the game binary and finally run the gameName: Elite loader (Part 7 of 7) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set up the sprite pointers, make a copy of the dashboard bitmap in DSTORE% and copy the sprite definitions to SPRITELOC% Deep dive: Sprite usage in Commodore 64 EliteContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
Variable DIALS (category: Drawing the screen)
The dashboard bitmap and colour data for screen RAM
Configuration variable DSTORE% = SCBASE + $AF90
The address of a copy of the dashboard bitmap, which gets copied into screen memory when setting up a new screen
Configuration variable L1 = $0001
The 6510 input/output port register, which we can use to configure the Commodore 64 memory layout (see page 260 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Label LOOP12 is local to this routine
Label LOOP13 is local to this routine
Configuration variable SPOFF% = (SPRITELOC% - SCBASE) / 64
Sprite pointers are defined as the offset from the start of the VIC-II screen bank to start of the sprite definitions, divided by 64, so SPOFF% is the offset for the first sprite definition at SPRITELOC%
Configuration variable SPRITELOC% = SCBASE + $2800
The address where the sprite bitmaps get copied to during the loading process
Workspace ZP (category: Workspaces)
Important variables used by the loader
Subroutine mvblock (category: Loader)
Copy a number of pages in memory
Variable spritp (category: Drawing the screen)
Sprite definitions