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Sound: BDlab19

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: BDlab19 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Increment the music data pointer in BDdataptr1(1 0) and fetch the next data byte into A
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BDirqhere calls BDlab19 * BDlab3 calls BDlab19 * BDlab5 calls BDlab19 * BDlab7 calls BDlab19 * BDRO10 calls BDlab19 * BDRO12 calls BDlab19 * BDRO13 calls BDlab19 * BDRO14 calls BDlab19 * BDRO7 calls BDlab19

Arguments: Y Y is always 0
Returns: BDdataptr1(1 0) Incremented to point to the next music data byte A The next music data byte
.BDlab19 INC BDdataptr1 ; Increment the data pointer in BDdataptr1(1 0) BNE BDskipme1 INC BDdataptr1+1 .BDskipme1 LDA (BDdataptr1),Y ; Y is zero, so this sets A to the next byte of music ; data from BDdataptr1(1 0) ; ; We have to include an index of Y as the 6502 doesn't ; have an instruction of the form LDA (BDdataptr1) RTS ; Return from the subroutine