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Universe: cpl

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: cpl [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Print the selected system name Deep dive: Generating system names Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HME2 calls cpl * hyp calls cpl * TT102 calls cpl * TT23 calls cpl * TT27 calls cpl * ypl calls cpl

Print control code 3 (the selected system name, i.e. the one in the crosshairs in the Short-range Chart).
.cpl LDX #5 ; First we need to back up the seeds in QQ15, so set up ; a counter in X to cover three 16-bit seeds (i.e. ; 6 bytes) .TT53 LDA QQ15,X ; Copy byte X from QQ15 to QQ19 STA QQ19,X DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL TT53 ; Loop back for the next byte to back up LDY #3 ; Step 1: Now that the seeds are backed up, we can ; start the name-generation process. We will either ; need to loop three or four times, so for now set ; up a counter in Y to loop four times BIT QQ15 ; Check bit 6 of s0_lo, which is stored in QQ15 BVS P%+3 ; If bit 6 is set then skip over the next instruction DEY ; Bit 6 is clear, so we only want to loop three times, ; so decrement the loop counter in Y STY T ; Store the loop counter in T .TT55 LDA QQ15+5 ; Step 2: Load s2_hi, which is stored in QQ15+5, and AND #%00011111 ; extract bits 0-4 by AND'ing with %11111 BEQ P%+7 ; If all those bits are zero, then skip the following ; two instructions to go to step 3 ORA #%10000000 ; We now have a number in the range 1-31, which we can ; easily convert into a two-letter token, but first we ; need to add 128 (or set bit 7) to get a range of ; 129-159 JSR TT27 ; Print the two-letter token in A JSR TT54 ; Step 3: twist the seeds in QQ15 DEC T ; Decrement the loop counter BPL TT55 ; Loop back for the next two letters LDX #5 ; We have printed the system name, so we can now ; restore the seeds we backed up earlier. Set up a ; counter in X to cover three 16-bit seeds (i.e. 6 ; bytes) .TT56 LDA QQ19,X ; Copy byte X from QQ19 to QQ15 STA QQ15,X DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL TT56 ; Loop back for the next byte to restore RTS ; Once all the seeds are restored, return from the ; subroutine