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Keyboard: TT102

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: TT102 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Process function key, save key, hyperspace and chart key presses and update the hyperspace counter
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main game loop (Part 6 of 6) calls TT102 * HME2 calls via T95

Process function key presses, plus "@" (save commander), "H" (hyperspace), "D" (show distance to system) and "O" (move chart cursor back to current system). We can also pass cursor position deltas in X and Y to indicate that the cursor keys or joystick have been used (i.e. the values that are returned by routine TT17). This routine also checks for the "F" key press (search for a system), which applies to enhanced versions only.
Arguments: A The key number of the key pressed X The amount to move the crosshairs in the x-axis Y The amount to move the crosshairs in the y-axis
Other entry points: T95 Print the distance to the selected system
.TT102 CMP #f8 ; If key "8" was pressed, jump to STATUS to show the BNE P%+5 ; Status Mode screen, returning from the subroutine JMP STATUS ; using a tail call CMP #f4 ; If key "4" was pressed, jump to TT22 to show the BNE P%+5 ; Long-range Chart, returning from the subroutine using JMP TT22 ; a tail call CMP #f5 ; If key "5" was pressed, jump to TT23 to show the BNE P%+5 ; Short-range Chart, returning from the subroutine using JMP TT23 ; a tail call CMP #f6 ; If key "6" was pressed, call TT111 to select the BNE TT92 ; system nearest to galactic coordinates (QQ9, QQ10) JSR TT111 ; (the location of the chart crosshairs) and set ZZ to JMP TT25 ; the system number, and then jump to TT25 to show the ; Data on System screen (along with an extended system ; description for the system in ZZ if we're docked), ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .TT92 CMP #f9 ; If key "9" was pressed, jump to TT213 to show the BNE P%+5 ; Inventory screen, returning from the subroutine JMP TT213 ; using a tail call CMP #f7 ; If key "7" was pressed, jump to TT167 to show the BNE P%+5 ; Market Price screen, returning from the subroutine JMP TT167 ; using a tail call CMP #f0 ; If key F1 was pressed, jump to TT110 to launch our BNE fvw ; ship (if docked), returning from the subroutine using JMP TT110 ; a tail call .fvw BIT QQ12 ; If bit 7 of QQ12 is clear (i.e. we are not docked, but BPL INSP ; in space), jump to INSP to skip the following checks ; for f1-f3 and "@" (save commander file) key presses CMP #f3 ; If key "3" was pressed, jump to EQSHP to show the BNE P%+5 ; Equip Ship screen, returning from the subroutine using JMP EQSHP ; a tail call CMP #f1 ; If key "1" was pressed, jump to TT219 to show the BNE P%+5 ; Buy Cargo screen, returning from the subroutine using JMP TT219 ; a tail call CMP #$12 ; If "@" was not pressed, skip to nosave BNE nosave JSR SVE ; "@" was pressed, so call SVE to show the disk access ; menu BCC P%+5 ; If the C flag was set by SVE, then we loaded a new JMP QU5 ; commander file, so jump to QU5 to restart the game ; with the newly loaded commander JMP BAY ; Otherwise the C flag was clear, so jump to BAY to go ; to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) .nosave CMP #f2 ; If key "2" was pressed, jump to TT208 to show the BNE LABEL_3 ; Sell Cargo screen, returning from the subroutine using JMP TT208 ; a tail call .INSP CMP #f12 ; If key F3 was pressed, jump to chview1 BEQ chview1 CMP #f22 ; If key F5 was pressed, jump to chview2 BEQ chview2 CMP #f32 ; If key F7 was not pressed, jump to LABEL_3 to keep BNE LABEL_3 ; checking for which key was pressed LDX #3 ; Key F7 was pressed, so set the view number in X to ; 3 for the right view EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A2 $02, or BIT $02A2, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flags .chview2 LDX #2 ; If we jump to here, key F5 was pressed, so set the ; view number in X to 2 for the left view EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A2 $01, or BIT $02A2, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flags .chview1 LDX #1 ; If we jump to here, key F3 was pressed, so set the ; view number in X to 1 for the rear view JMP LOOK1 ; Jump to LOOK1 to switch to view X (rear, left or ; right), returning from the subroutine using a tail ; call .LABEL_3 BIT KLO+HINT ; If "H" was not pressed, skip the following instruction BPL P%+5 JMP hyp ; Jump to hyp to do a hyperspace jump (if we are in ; space), returning from the subroutine using a tail ; call .NWDAV5 CMP #DINT ; If "D" was pressed, jump to T95 to print the distance BEQ T95 ; to a system (if we are in one of the chart screens) CMP #FINT ; If "F" was not pressed, jump down to HME1, otherwise BNE HME1 ; keep going to process searching for systems LDA QQ12 ; If QQ12 = 0 (we are not docked), we can't search for BEQ t95 ; systems, so return from the subroutine (as t95 ; contains an RTS) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is a chart (QQ11 = 64 or 128), AND #%11000000 ; keep going, otherwise return from the subroutine (as BEQ t95 ; t95 contains an RTS) JMP HME2 ; Jump to HME2 to let us search for a system, returning ; from the subroutine using a tail call .HME1 STA T1 ; Store A (the key that's been pressed) in T1 LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is a chart (QQ11 = 64 or 128), AND #%11000000 ; keep going, otherwise jump down to TT107 to skip the BEQ TT107 ; following LDA QQ22+1 ; If the on-screen hyperspace counter is non-zero, BNE TT107 ; then we are already counting down, so jump to TT107 ; to skip the following LDA T1 ; Restore the original value of A (the key that's been ; pressed) from T1 CMP #OINT ; If "O" was pressed, do the following three jumps, BNE ee2 ; otherwise skip to ee2 to continue JSR TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; which will erase the crosshairs currently there JSR ping ; Set the target system to the current system (which ; will move the location in (QQ9, QQ10) to the current ; home system JMP TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; which will draw the crosshairs at our current home ; system, and return from the subroutine using a tail ; call .ee2 JSR TT16 ; Call TT16 to move the crosshairs by the amount in X ; and Y, which were passed to this subroutine as ; arguments .TT107 LDA QQ22+1 ; If the on-screen hyperspace counter is zero, return BEQ t95 ; from the subroutine (as t95 contains an RTS), as we ; are not currently counting down to a hyperspace jump DEC QQ22 ; Decrement the internal hyperspace counter BNE t95 ; If the internal hyperspace counter is still non-zero, ; then we are still counting down, so return from the ; subroutine (as t95 contains an RTS) ; If we get here then the internal hyperspace counter ; has just reached zero and it wasn't zero before, so ; we need to reduce the on-screen counter and update ; the screen. We do this by first printing the next ; number in the countdown sequence, and then printing ; the old number, which will erase the old number ; and display the new one because printing uses EOR ; logic LDX QQ22+1 ; Set X = the on-screen hyperspace counter - 1 DEX ; (i.e. the next number in the sequence) JSR ee3 ; Print the 8-bit number in X at text location (0, 1) LDA #5 ; Reset the internal hyperspace counter to 5 STA QQ22 LDX QQ22+1 ; Set X = the on-screen hyperspace counter (i.e. the ; current number in the sequence, which is already ; shown on-screen) JSR ee3 ; Print the 8-bit number in X at text location (0, 1), ; i.e. print the hyperspace countdown in the top-left ; corner DEC QQ22+1 ; Decrement the on-screen hyperspace countdown BNE t95 ; If the countdown is not yet at zero, return from the ; subroutine (as t95 contains an RTS) JMP TT18 ; Otherwise the countdown has finished, so jump to TT18 ; to do a hyperspace jump, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call .t95 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .T95 ; If we get here, "D" was pressed, so we need to show ; the distance to the selected system (if we are in a ; chart view) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is a chart (QQ11 = 64 or 128), AND #%11000000 ; keep going, otherwise return from the subroutine (as BEQ t95 ; t95 contains an RTS) ;LDA #CYAN ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR DOCOL ; source JSR hm ; Call hm to move the crosshairs to the target system ; in (QQ9, QQ10), returning with A = 0 STA QQ17 ; Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS JSR cpl ; Print control code 3 (the selected system name) LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case, with the STA QQ17 ; next letter in capitals LDA #12 ; Print a line feed to move the text cursor down a line JSR TT26 ;LDA #10 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR TT26 ; source ; ;LDA #1 ;JSR DOXC ; ;JSR INCYC JMP TT146 ; Print the distance to the selected system and return ; from the subroutine using a tail call