.EXNO LDA INWK+7 ; Fetch z_hi, the distance of the ship being hit in ; terms of the z-axis (in and out of the screen) LDX #11 ; We now set X to a number between 11 and 15 depending ; on the z-axis distance to the exploding ship, with 11 ; for distant ships and 15 for close ships CMP #8 ; If z_hi >= 8, jump to quiet with X = 11 BCS quiet INX ; Increment X to 12 CMP #4 ; If z_hi >= 4, jump to quiet with X = 12 BCS quiet INX ; Increment X to 13 CMP #3 ; If z_hi >= 3, jump to quiet with X = 13 BCS quiet INX ; Increment X to 14 CMP #2 ; If z_hi >= 2, jump to quiet with X = 14 BCS quiet INX ; Increment X to 15 .quiet TXA ; Set A = X << 4 ASL A ; ASL A ; So the value of X is in the high nibble of A ASL A ASL A ORA #3 ; Set the low nibble of A to 3, so we can pass it to ; NOISE2 as the release length LDY #sfxhit ; Call the NOISE2 routine with Y = sfxhit, a frequency LDX #208 ; of 208 in X, and A set according to the explosion JMP NOISE2 ; distance: ; ; * Low nibble of A = release length of 3 ; ; * High nibble of A = sustain volume in the range 11 ; to 15, so closer explosions have a higher sustain ; volume and are therefore louder ; ; The call to NOISE2 returns from the subroutine using a ; tail callName: EXNO [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Make the sound of a laser strike on another shipContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls EXNO
Make the two-part explosion sound of us making a laser strike, or of another ship exploding. The volume of the first explosion is affected by the distance of the ship being hit, with more distant ships being quieter.
Subroutine NOISE2 (category: Sound)
Make a sound effect with a specific volume and release length
Label quiet is local to this routine
Configuration variable sfxhit = 2
Sound 2 = Other ship exploding