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Universe: GVL

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: GVL [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Calculate the availability of market items Deep dive: Market item prices and availability Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

Calculate the availability for each market item and store it in AVL. This is called on arrival in a new system.
Other entry points: hyR Contains an RTS
.GVL JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers STA QQ26 ; Set QQ26 to the random byte that's used in the market ; calculations LDX #0 ; We are now going to loop through the market item STX XX4 ; availability table in AVL, so set a counter in XX4 ; (and X) for the market item number, starting with 0 .hy9 LDA QQ23+1,X ; Fetch byte #1 from the market prices table (units and STA QQ19+1 ; economic_factor) for item number X and store it in ; QQ19+1 JSR var ; Call var to set QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor| ; (and set the availability of alien items to 0) LDA QQ23+3,X ; Fetch byte #3 from the market prices table (mask) and AND QQ26 ; AND with the random number for this system visit ; to give: ; ; A = random AND mask CLC ; Add byte #2 from the market prices table ADC QQ23+2,X ; (base_quantity) so we now have: ; ; A = base_quantity + (random AND mask) LDY QQ19+1 ; Fetch the byte #1 that we stored above and jump to BMI TT157 ; TT157 if it is negative (i.e. if the economic_factor ; is negative) SEC ; Set A = A - QQ19+3 SBC QQ19+3 ; ; = base_quantity + (random AND mask) ; - (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as the economic_factor ; is positive JMP TT158 ; Jump to TT158 to skip TT157 .TT157 CLC ; Set A = A + QQ19+3 ADC QQ19+3 ; ; = base_quantity + (random AND mask) ; + (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as the economic_factor ; is negative .TT158 BPL TT159 ; If A < 0, then set A = 0, so we don't have negative LDA #0 ; availability .TT159 LDY XX4 ; Fetch the counter (the market item number) into Y AND #%00111111 ; Take bits 0-5 of A, i.e. A mod 64, and store this as STA AVL,Y ; this item's availability in the Y=th byte of AVL, so ; each item has a maximum availability of 63t INY ; Increment the counter into XX44, Y and A TYA STA XX4 ASL A ; Set X = counter * 4, so that X points to the next ASL A ; item's entry in the four-byte market prices table, TAX ; ready for the next loop CMP #63 ; If A < 63, jump back up to hy9 to set the availability BCC hy9 ; for the next market item .hyR RTS ; Return from the subroutine