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Universe: NWSHP

[Commodore 64 version]

Name: NWSHP [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Add a new ship to our local bubble of universe
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BRIEF calls NWSHP * FRS1 calls NWSHP * GTHG calls NWSHP * KS4 calls NWSHP * Main game loop (Part 1 of 6) calls NWSHP * Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) calls NWSHP * Main game loop (Part 3 of 6) calls NWSHP * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) calls NWSHP * SFS1 calls NWSHP * SOLAR calls NWSHP * SOS1 calls NWSHP * TITLE calls NWSHP

This creates a new block of ship data in the K% workspace, allocates a new block in the ship line heap at WP, adds the new ship's type into the first empty slot in FRIN, and adds a pointer to the ship data into UNIV. If there isn't enough free memory for the new ship, it isn't added.
Arguments: A The type of the ship to add (see variable XX21 for a list of ship types)
Returns: C flag Set if the ship was successfully added, clear if it wasn't (as there wasn't enough free memory) INF Points to the new ship's data block in K%
.NWSHP STA T ; Store the ship type in location T LDX #0 ; Before we can add a new ship, we need to check ; whether we have an empty slot we can put it in. To do ; this, we need to loop through all the slots to look ; for an empty one, so set a counter in X that starts ; from the first slot at 0. When ships are killed, then ; the slots are shuffled down by the KILLSHP routine, so ; the first empty slot will always come after the last ; filled slot. This allows us to tack the new ship's ; data block and ship line heap onto the end of the ; existing ship data and heap, as shown in the memory ; map below .NWL1 LDA FRIN,X ; Load the ship type for the X-th slot BEQ NW1 ; If it is zero, then this slot is empty and we can use ; it for our new ship, so jump down to NW1 INX ; Otherwise increment X to point to the next slot CPX #NOSH ; If we haven't reached the last slot yet, loop back up BCC NWL1 ; to NWL1 to check the next slot (note that this means ; only slots from 0 to #NOSH - 1 are populated by this ; routine, but there is one more slot reserved in FRIN, ; which is used to identify the end of the slot list ; when shuffling the slots down in the KILLSHP routine) .NW3 CLC ; Otherwise we don't have an empty slot, so we can't RTS ; add a new ship, so clear the C flag to indicate that ; we have not managed to create the new ship, and return ; from the subroutine .NW1 ; If we get here, then we have found an empty slot at ; index X, so we can go ahead and create our new ship. ; We do that by creating a ship data block at INWK and, ; when we are done, copying the block from INWK into ; the K% workspace (specifically, to INF) JSR GINF ; Get the address of the data block for ship slot X ; (which is in workspace K%) and store it in INF LDA T ; If the type of ship that we want to create is BMI NW2 ; negative, then this indicates a planet or sun, so ; jump down to NW2, as the next section sets up a ship ; data block, which doesn't apply to planets and suns, ; as they don't have things like shields, missiles, ; vertices and edges ; This is a ship, so first we need to set up various ; pointers to the ship blueprint we will need. The ; blueprints for each ship type in Elite are stored ; in a table at location XX21, so refer to the comments ; on that variable for more details on the data we're ; about to access ASL A ; Set Y = ship type * 2 TAY LDA XX21-1,Y ; The ship blueprints at XX21 start with a lookup ; table that points to the individual ship blueprints, ; so this fetches the high byte of this particular ship ; type's blueprint BEQ NW3 ; If the high byte is 0 then this is not a valid ship ; type, so jump to NW3 to clear the C flag and return ; from the subroutine STA XX0+1 ; This is a valid ship type, so store the high byte in ; XX0+1 LDA XX21-2,Y ; Fetch the low byte of this particular ship type's STA XX0 ; blueprint and store it in XX0, so XX0(1 0) now ; contains the address of this ship's blueprint CPY #2*SST ; If the ship type is a space station (SST), then jump BEQ NW6 ; to NW6, skipping the heap space steps below, as the ; space station has its own line heap at LSO (which it ; shares with the sun) ; We now want to allocate space for a heap that we can ; use to store the lines we draw for our new ship (so it ; can easily be erased from the screen again). SLSP ; points to the start of the current heap space, and we ; can extend it downwards with the heap for our new ship ; (as the heap space always ends just before the WP ; workspace) LDY #5 ; Fetch ship blueprint byte #5, which contains the LDA (XX0),Y ; maximum heap size required for plotting the new ship, STA T1 ; and store it in T1 LDA SLSP ; Take the 16-bit address in SLSP and subtract T1, SEC ; storing the 16-bit result in INWK(34 33), so this now SBC T1 ; points to the start of the line heap for our new ship STA INWK+33 LDA SLSP+1 SBC #0 STA INWK+34 ; We now need to check that there is enough free space ; for both this new line heap and the new data block ; for our ship. In memory, this is the layout of the ; ship data blocks and ship line heaps: ; ; +-----------------------------------+ $FFC0 = LS% ; | | ; | Current ship line heap | ; | | ; +-----------------------------------+ SLSP ; | | ; | Proposed heap for new ship | ; | | ; +-----------------------------------+ INWK(34 33) ; | | ; . . ; . . ; . . ; . . ; . . ; | | ; +-----------------------------------+ INF + NI% ; | | ; | Proposed data block for new ship | ; | | ; +-----------------------------------+ INF ; | | ; | Existing ship data blocks | ; | | ; +-----------------------------------+ $F900 = K% ; ; So, to work out if we have enough space, we have to ; make sure there is room between the end of our new ; ship data block at INF + NI%, and the start of the ; proposed heap for our new ship at the address we ; stored in INWK(34 33). Or, to put it another way, we ; and to make sure that: ; ; INWK(34 33) > INF + NI% ; ; which is the same as saying: ; ; INWK+33 - INF > NI% ; ; because INWK is in zero page, so INWK+34 = 0 LDA INWK+33 ; Calculate INWK+33 - INF, again using 16-bit ;SEC ; arithmetic, and put the result in (A Y), so the high SBC INF ; byte is in A and the low byte in Y. The SEC TAY ; instruction is commented out in the original source; LDA INWK+34 ; as the previous subtraction will never underflow, it SBC INF+1 ; is superfluous BCC NW3+1 ; If we have an underflow from the subtraction, then ; INF > INWK+33 and we definitely don't have enough ; room for this ship, so jump to NW3+1, which returns ; from the subroutine (with the C flag already cleared) BNE NW4 ; If the subtraction of the high bytes in A is not ; zero, and we don't have underflow, then we definitely ; have enough space, so jump to NW4 to continue setting ; up the new ship CPY #NI% ; Otherwise the high bytes are the same in our BCC NW3+1 ; subtraction, so now we compare the low byte of the ; result (which is in Y) with NI%. This is the same as ; doing INWK+33 - INF > NI% (see above). If this isn't ; true, the C flag will be clear and we don't have ; enough space, so we jump to NW3+1, which returns ; from the subroutine (with the C flag already cleared) .NW4 LDA INWK+33 ; If we get here then we do have enough space for our STA SLSP ; new ship, so store the new bottom of the ship line LDA INWK+34 ; heap (i.e. INWK+33) in SLSP, doing both the high and STA SLSP+1 ; low bytes .NW6 LDY #14 ; Fetch ship blueprint byte #14, which contains the LDA (XX0),Y ; ship's energy, and store it in byte #35 STA INWK+35 LDY #19 ; Fetch ship blueprint byte #19, which contains the LDA (XX0),Y ; number of missiles and laser power, and AND with %111 AND #%00000111 ; to extract the number of missiles before storing in STA INWK+31 ; byte #31 LDA T ; Restore the ship type we stored above .NW2 STA FRIN,X ; Store the ship type in the X-th byte of FRIN, so the ; this slot is now shown as occupied in the index table TAX ; Copy the ship type into X BMI NW8 ; If the ship type is negative (planet or sun), then ; jump to NW8 to skip the following instructions CPX #HER ; If the ship type is a rock hermit, jump to gangbang BEQ gangbang ; to increase the junk count CPX #JL ; If JL <= X < JH, i.e. the type of ship we killed in X BCC NW7 ; is junk (escape pod, alloy plate, cargo canister, CPX #JH ; asteroid, splinter, Shuttle or Transporter), then keep BCS NW7 ; going, otherwise jump to NW7 .gangbang INC JUNK ; We're adding junk, so increase the junk counter .NW7 INC MANY,X ; Increment the total number of ships of type X .NW8 LDY T ; Restore the ship type we stored above LDA E%-1,Y ; Fetch the E% byte for this ship to get the default ; settings for the ship's NEWB flags AND #%01101111 ; Zero bits 4 and 7 (so the new ship is not docking, has ; not been scooped, and has not just docked) ORA NEWB ; Apply the result to the ship's NEWB flags, which sets STA NEWB ; bits 0-3 and 5-6 in NEWB if they are set in the E% ; byte LDY #NI%-1 ; The final step is to copy the new ship's data block ; from INWK to INF, so set up a counter for NI% bytes ; in Y .NWL3 LDA INWK,Y ; Load the Y-th byte of INWK and store in the Y-th byte STA (INF),Y ; of the workspace pointed to by INF DEY ; Decrement the loop counter BPL NWL3 ; Loop back for the next byte until we have copied them ; all over SEC ; We have successfully created our new ship, so set the ; C flag to indicate success RTS ; Return from the subroutine