.stopbd IF _GMA_RELEASE BIT MULIE ; If bit 7 of MULIE is set then we got here via the call BMI itsoff ; to the RESET routine from the TITLE routine ; ; When this is the case, we do not want to stop the ; title music from playing, so jump to itsoff to return ; from the subroutine without doing anything (as itsoff ; contains an RTS) ENDIF BIT MUFOR ; If bit 7 of MUFOR is set then the docking music is BMI startbd ; configured so that it cannot be disabled, so jump to ; startbd to start playing the docking music instead .stopat BIT MUPLA ; If bit 7 of MUPLA is clear then no music is currently BPL itsoff ; playing, so jump to itsoff to return from the ; subroutine (as itsoff contains an RTS) JSR SOFLUSH ; Call SOFLUSH to reset the sound buffers LDA #%101 ; Call SETL1 to set the 6510 input/output port to the JSR SETL1 ; following: ; ; * LORAM = 1 ; * HIRAM = 0 ; * CHAREN = 1 ; ; This sets the entire 64K memory map to RAM except for ; the I/O memory map at $D000-$DFFF, which gets mapped ; to registers in the VIC-II video controller chip, the ; SID sound chip, the two CIA I/O chips, and so on ; ; See the memory map at the top of page 264 in the ; "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", published ; by Commodore LDA #0 ; Set MUPLA to 0 to indicate that no music is playing STA MUPLA LDX #$18 ; We now want to zero SID registers $00 to $18, so set ; an index counter in X SEI ; Disable interrupts while we update the SID registers .coffeeloop STA SID,X ; Zero the X-th SID register DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL coffeeloop ; Loop back until we have zeroed all SID registers from ; $18 down to $00 LDA #%00001111 ; Set SID register $18 to control the sound as follows: STA SID+$18 ; ; * Bits 0-3: set the volume to 15 (maximum) ; ; * Bit 4 clear: disable the low-pass filter ; ; * Bit 5 clear: disable the bandpass filter ; ; * Bit 6 clear: disable the high-pass filter ; ; * Bit 7 clear: enable voice 3 CLI ; Enable interrupts again .coffeeex LDA #%100 ; Call SETL1 to set the 6510 input/output port to the JMP SETL1 ; following: ; ; * LORAM = 0 ; * HIRAM = 0 ; * CHAREN = 1 ; ; and return from the subroutine using a tail call ; ; This sets the entire 64K memory map to RAM ; ; See the memory map at the top of page 265 in the ; "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", published ; by CommodoreName: stopbd [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Stop playing the docking music Deep dive: Music in Commodore 64 EliteContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) calls stopbd * Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) calls stopbd * RES2 calls stopbd * BR1 (Part 1 of 2) calls via stopat * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) calls via stopat * startbd calls via coffeeex
Other entry points: stopat Stop playing the current music coffeeex Restore the memory configuration and return from the subroutine
Variable MUFOR in workspace Option variables
Configuration setting that controls whether the docking music can be enabled or disabled
Variable MULIE in workspace Option variables
A flag to record whether the RESET routine is being being called from within the TITLE routine, when the title screen is being displayed, as we don't want to stop the title music from playing when this is the case
Variable MUPLA in workspace Option variables
A flag to record whether any music is currently playing
Subroutine SETL1 (category: Utility routines)
Set the 6510 input/output port register to control the memory map
Configuration variable SID = $D400
Registers for the SID sound synthesis chip, which are memory-mapped to the 29 bytes from $D400 to $D41C (see page 461 of the Programmer's Reference Guide)
Subroutine SOFLUSH (category: Sound)
Reset the sound buffers and turn off all sound channels
Label coffeeloop is local to this routine
Subroutine startbd (category: Sound)
Start playing the docking music, if configured