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Drawing ships: VERTEX

[Commodore 64 version, Game data]

Name: VERTEX [Show more] Type: Macro Category: Drawing ships Summary: Macro definition for adding vertices to ship blueprints Deep dive: Ship blueprints Drawing ships
The following macro is used to build the ship blueprints: VERTEX x, y, z, face1, face2, face3, face4, visibility
Arguments: x The vertex's x-coordinate y The vertex's y-coordinate z The vertex's z-coordinate face1 The number of face 1 associated with this vertex face2 The number of face 2 associated with this vertex face3 The number of face 3 associated with this vertex face4 The number of face 4 associated with this vertex visibility The visibility distance, beyond which the vertex is not shown
MACRO VERTEX x, y, z, face1, face2, face3, face4, visibility IF x < 0 s_x = 1 << 7 ELSE s_x = 0 ENDIF IF y < 0 s_y = 1 << 6 ELSE s_y = 0 ENDIF IF z < 0 s_z = 1 << 5 ELSE s_z = 0 ENDIF s = s_x + s_y + s_z + visibility f1 = face1 + (face2 << 4) f2 = face3 + (face4 << 4) ax = ABS(x) ay = ABS(y) az = ABS(z) EQUB ax, ay, az, s, f1, f2 ENDMACRO