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Different variants of the Commodore 64 version

This site contains the source code for four different variants of the Commodore 64 version of Elite:

See below for comprehensive details of the differences between the variants, along with links to the relevant bits of the source code.

All these differences are implemented within the source code using BeebAsm IF statements, which determine which variant is compiled. These IF statements check the values of the relevant source code variables (_GMA85_NTSC, _GMA85_PAL, _SOURCE_DISK_BUILD and _SOURCE_DISK_FILES), which are themselves set by parameters to the build command (such as variant=gma86-pal). See the associated repository for more about building different variants from the source.

To play Elite with a D64 disk image, load the image into the disk drive and type LOAD"*",8,1.

The official Firebird GMA85 NTSC release

The Firebird GMA85 NTSC release wasn't the first official release of Commodore 64 Elite, but it came along slightly later, sporting the newly added Elite Theme title music.

Default build in repositoryYes
Product detailsFirebird GMA85 NTSC
Build command parametervariant=gma85-ntsc (optional)
Source code variable_GMA85_NTSC
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Download D64 disk imageOriginal, Flicker-free planets

The official Firebird GMA86 PAL release

The Firebird GMA86 PAL release is the PAL variant of the GMA85 NTSC version. The game itself it identical to the NTSC version, but the disk loader is slightly different.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product detailsFirebird GMA86 PAL
Build command parametervariant=gma86-pal
Source code variable_GMA86_PAL
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Download D64 disk imageOriginal, Flicker-free planets

It has the following features that differentiate it from the GMA85 NTSC variant:

  • The disk loaders are different, particularly in the fast loader routine in the GMA1 disk loader. This does not affect gameplay in any way.
  • There is a configuration variable called USA% that you might expect to be set to FALSE for the PAL variant, but it is set to TRUE for both, so this is not a difference between the two variants.

Ian Bell's source disk build process

The source disk from Ian Bell's site produces an early version of the game that doesn't contain the Elite Theme music that was added in a later release. The binaries produced may match the very first Firebird release of Commodore 64 Elite but investigations in this area are ongoing.

The source disk does not build a working game, so there are no disk images available for this variant.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product details-
Build command parametervariant=source-disk-build
Source code variable_SOURCE_DISK_BUILD
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository

It has the following features that differentiate it from the GMA variants:

  • Some of the game data is stored at different addresses (see DSTORE%, SPRITELOC%, SWAPPZERO, C%, K%).
  • A smaller block of ship data is copied the game loader, though this doesn't make any difference (see Elite loader (Part 2 of 7)).
  • An image containing the build date is included in the disk loader (see date).
  • There is no Elite Theme music, only The Blue Danube (see BR1 (Part 2 of 2), BR1 (Part 2 of 2), BDENTRY, COMUDAT).
  • The joystick is read differently (see RDKEY).
  • The frequency change when implementing vibrato in voice 3 is different (see BDlab7).
  • The period when implementing vibrato in voices 2 and 3 is different (see BDlab1).
  • The music counter stops counting when it reaches 2 rather than 0 (see BDlab21).
  • The format of the music data file is slightly different (see COMUDAT).
  • The text token for the energy unit is "ENERGY UNIT", rather than the "EXTRA ENERGY UNIT" that is found in all the other variants (see QQ18).

Ian Bell's source disk binary files

The source disk from Ian Bell's site contains assembled binary files that differ slightly from those produced by the source disk build process.

The source disk does not build a working game, so there are no disk images available for this variant.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product details-
Build command parametervariant=source-disk-files
Source code variable_SOURCE_DISK_FILES
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository

It has the same features as the variant built by the source disk, except the text token for the energy bank is "EXTRA ENERGY BANK", just like the GMA variants.